Is Bound D1 and D2 in the dldb(i guess ill find it myself
lazy me.) Maybe if I take a look at that, then I can know what has already been done.
Thanks Grizzly(B2BF).
I just checked the Dldb, but I dont think it was in there... There was a Bound Defense, but I dont think thats the right one, let me go check it out and if its not the right one, can some1 please post v1 and v2 of bound defense.
ok so that was the right one. Wow its pretty good. I like the effects with the bunker and all. Anyways, mines going to be a lot different.
Pros(in my opinion):
-Bound Difficulty Choice
-Multiple Tries
-Timed Bounding
-Life Choice(Bounding & Defending)
-More Units to Choose From
-Non-Arena Bounding(I dont like those things
-30 Different Levels
-Random Sublevels
-Super Units
-Solo(vs team)
-Same Idea
-Different Tileset
-Smaller Map Dimensions
-No sweet Bunker Effects
-No Auto Unit Purchase and Transport(each thing you buy comes from a building and you have to choose which side it goes on, upper or lower)
-Smaller Defending Area(16x2 vs like 200x2)
Overall, I dont think Either will be better or worse, just different.