u know that in the game down at the unit status bar, there is a frame for the unit, and a healthy zerg unit is yellow(orange), but in some map like zone control hydra the frame of the hydralisk is dark blue, its the kind of blue that is not like its heavily damaged... blah blah blah, how do you make that thing?
it doesn't really explain... the color in zone control is not a health color... no matter how many hp i give to the unit, i can't come out with that color
To make the health status glow and whatnot. Change the left and right box in Starforge, w/e to like 3/2 1/2 3/1, etc. There all different combinations. Wrong.
All nonzero values for the fractional HP value (HP2 box) increment the max HP by 1.
If you have a Hydralisk set to 5 hp, then any nonzero value in the box will make 6/5 hp Hydralisks. Glows are achieved when you can make 2/1 or 3/2 hp units.
as said in the tutorial, the wireframe can glow depending on the unit and tileset you have it on. so if you have amde units on different tilesets, there's the possibility, the colors wont be the same.