Yellow River Marsh
A 1-p campaign, taking place in the same world as Fantasy Conquest(which I admit sucked) and the unfinished/deleted God of Death. Starring Fire, the Swampling warchief.
Level one.
Level two.
On level one.
On Level two.
-Unit placement[progress]100[/progress]
On level one(seriously, we need a different template for campaigns)
On level two.
On Level one.
On Level two.
-Map tileset•The first few levels will be jungle, but it eventually goes to ice then badlands.
-Map size•Um, rather large. I cannot remember.
Storyline / Introduction
The world of Phaearth is littered with the ruins of the ancient civilization of Tar'Kanar, which is Old Saurian for "Oldest People." For centuries Phaearth was the center of a great interstellar empire of the magically gifted and technologically advanced Tar'Kanar.
Over seven thousand years ago, a great Rift opened in the fabric of the universe. Through it came the Unnaturals; various beings not of this reality. Among them were the Old Saurians, the Ice Trolls, the dragons, the demonlords, and the Insectoids.
They were simple explorers into a massive new frontier that had opened up, but as they came, the Rift through which they had entered this universe collapesed, and they were trapped.
It came to be that these strange creatures would eventually rear offspring in Phaearth. The Old Saurians would become the mighty Saurians; the Ice Trolls would become the hardy Glacionians, Orcs, and Frostlanders.
The ravenous Insectoid hive-mind, however, was not content with living in harmony with the native Tar'Kanar. By shear force of numbers, they drove the Tar'Kanar out of their own capital city of Cueb'Ebera and spread across a large part of the continent of Hayapap.
The war had begun.
For ten years, the Insectoids and the Tar'Kanar warred on Phaearth. The Tar'Kanar managed to trap the majority of the swarm within the region they first conquered, using a barrier of energy known as the White Wall.
Still, though, the Tar'Kanar could not maintain Phaearth any longer. Both races took their battles to the skies and away from Phaearth. What became of that is unknown, but no Insectoids remained on the planet exept those within the White Wall and the Tar'Kanar that did stay devolved over the generations into the Elderlings: the forerunners of all human life on Phaearth.
The region within the White Wall was named Mar'Tak, Old Saurian for "Land of Sorrow."
For many a generation, the barbaric Swamplings--decendents of the Elderlings--living south of the Wall, in an area known as the Yellow River Marsh, have fought petty tribal wars and raided each other's settlements, called Waterstillts. We enter Phaearth in the midst of one such battle, between the Redille and Edhet tribes. The Redille have had a poor growing season, and, under the leadership of the warrior Fire, are infiltrating a small Edhet villiage and raiding their granaries.....
^That is the mission briefing for level one. At the end of level one, Fire finds a strange object in the Edhet village and brings it back to his tribe's Waterstillt. He does not realize that it is the key to the White Wall and that BUGY THINGS WILL CONSUME THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! So, obviously, you get to save the world from the Insectiods.
-Player InterfaceIn level one, you command a medium-sized force of Terran(Swampling) ground units and a collection of tents(supply depots). You must guide your warriors through the maze-like Edhet-controlled wetland. You must also protect your base camp, where all your stuff is stored. If either Fire or all the tents are destroyed, you lose. Conserve your units because you will not be getting any more, even though the enemy will behave like it is in the later stages of a melee map, building and researching.
Destroy three enemy Food Strores(nydus canals) to win.
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•Lots of names that have apostrophies even though they are not conjunctions. Tar'Kanar, Cueb'Ebera, Mar'Tak. You have to admit that is cool, right? Right???
•"[Hero unit] must survive." We never heard that before, have we?
-Characters•Fire(Gui Montag)
•King Alabaster(Alen Schezar
•Memora(Hallucinated Kerrigan)
-Weapons•Um, guns? I mean bows, this is a fantasy world, after all.
-Items•Um, bullets? I mean arrows!
-Spells•Just huh?

Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template or you get smitten!)If anyone cares, I just got level two, a movie map, pretty much finished.