My post counts and minerals arent going up.
Did I do something wrong or is it a bug?
You need to make quality posts in post giving forums for it to go up. 40+ characters.
I did but it just froze at 246, and before it was 247 and i had 310 minerals, then it went down to 246 and then 300
Maybe you're playing games ?

I did none of that. Maybe some mods are abusing their powers because they are a player hater

Could be.

*Warns Mini Boobs 2707 not to piss off a moderator*
Seriously... but if you do think that just pm Moose *realises and tells Mini Boobs 2707 not to copy Mooses name, then asks for a cookie*
Moderators won't just remove your minerals for no reason. It would also say in your warn logs if they took minerals away. The likelyhood of why you lost minerals is probably posts deleted. Too shot posts in mineral counting forums won't increase any posts count and mienrals either.
His warn logs don't have any post count reductions, they're all straight warns.
Are Mods allowed to take away minerals and post counts?
Wouldn't be able to if they weren't supposed to.
Can you see what mods did what? Like a history of it
Yes but when they take away minerals or posts counts, it will show in nice bold letters. So you will see it when they take away your minerals or posts right in your warnlog bellow the warn messages.
Removed X Minerals.
Removed X Posts.
I suspect that the garbage man or I deleted some of your spammy assistance posts.