The Claw!
Use your Claw(dropship) to pick up the prizes. Unload the Scv and move to a unit. Then you will have a mineral/gas in your hand. Then use your SCV and make way to the prize bucket. But be careful, try not to run into anything or places you can drop things or you will drop your prize. 10 gas = 1 play.
The Arena[/line]
Each prize you get, you get 1 unit of that prize/unit. You'll have to make a pretty big army if you wanna kill the other player!
Each of the Players Objective is to destory the other players OverMind. You may get builders and Make a defence if you'de like.
-Ideas[progress]100[/progress] 100%
I think there definitaly done. Only if some has a UberPwnageIdea ;P-Terrain[progress]90[/progress] 100%
-Unit placement[progress]95[/progress] 95%
-Triggers[progress]10[/progress] 10%
-Players•4 Human Players
•3 Computers
-Map tileset•Badlands
-Map size•128x128
*Really Really need the space for bases!
Storyline / Introduction
•Players use there claw (dropship) and move above units in machine (where all the units are). He unloads the SCV and gets the Prize. Then he trys to make his way to the prize spot without dropping it.
*Dont expect this to be easy. Im going to be making it very very hard.
-Player Interface•Using there dropship (claw) and SCV when unloaded
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•None Yet
-Characters•Your Claw-Terran DropShip
•Your pinchers-Terran SCV
•Prizes (like Marine, Zealot, Tank, etc etc)
*Might name units like Stuff Animal, Ball, etc. Not sure*
-Weapons•Your Units Gun/Weapon
-Spells•None Yet
*Already have a song in it. If you dont wanna here it, turn down the volume!*
-Testers BETA•Zell.Dincht (W00t Go Zell.Dincht!!!
•Mini Boobs 2707
*Ill add you to the list if i need any more testers, ThatCrazyGirl*
-ReleaseA week or so
Screenshots / Demo
OMG Screenshots?!?!
*Will put 'The Claw' Screen and the Bases screen tomorrow*
Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template or you get smitten!)ADDITION: If some do not understand the StoryLine/What to do ill be sure to re-word!
I will also try to update every day or so.