FRANCE, Filleinconnue
Timeperiod : The Timperiod is at a Start Date of 1792, At an End Date of 1870
Specifacations :
FRANCE Envolves a Necessary Skill of a Professional, FRANCE is a More "Time Consuming" Scenario than most other Diplomacy Maps.
Players will be able to choose from Denmark, German States, Prussia, Austria, Hungaria, Italy, Helvetics, and England. With the Time Consumption comes Some Anger, Since there's some Uneven Odds when it comes to a Country's "Power". We at Timeline Productions are working on something to Even it out just a bit.
Players will be able to use the Dropship Maintenence Method for Purchasing Ships, Workers, and Troops. Players will also have to "Bid For Power" which can alter their Government ( Governments have Policies and Limit your Movement ). During "Bid For Power" a Player will Undergo a Series of Trials Against A.I. that is Relentless and will stop at nothing to end your Rebellions.
If a Player So Chooses to Stick with their Government, he/she will be a General Commanding the Troops in the Voice and Power of their Leader, The Government.
If a Player so chooses to Rebel and Take over, they will become the Leader of their nation and command all.
New Objectives :
¤ Maintain your Ore Intake and Gas Production
¤ Maintain an Amount of Troops
Players will also have to make Probes ( At Nexus ) For Technology Specials
( Each Nation has a said, "SPECIAL" )
New Options : Players will be able to trade Weapondry ( Soldiers, and Cannons)
Players will be Able to Share Cities ( Gives them To Others using a Observer over a City )
Players will be able to recieve Heroes ( Requires ? ? ? )
Players will be able to Obtain Oil Reserves for Cannons ( 2500 Minerals / 2 Gas )
Other : Made By Filleinconnue, 2006
¤ Debute Date: August 20th, 2006
¤ Players: 6
¤ Countries(Selectable): 11
¤ War Limits
¤ Population Limits
¤ Required Civilians to make Soldiers
¤ Spawnable Heroes with Required ? ? ?