Anyone know how to make the screen white? I tried a bunch of white circle sprites but they crash ><
I'm basically going for that FLASH OF LIGHT AHH IM BLIND effect.
By the way, I'm on badlands terrain.
Eh.. StarCraft really doesn't have anything like that at all. The best you could do really is to have a bunch of explosion effects. You could try killing some of the critters.. they have interesting unit deaths. There aren't too many effects you can do aside from blurring the screen, fires, explosions. That's the best you're going to get.
um theres some rly bright terrain tiles that u can make the size of the screen and center view. simple and easy to use but white isnt rly bright but it looks white none the less.. for some tiles
Eh, I've looked through the whole tileset. Nothing white enough. I coulda sworn Jungle had a mysterious white tile, but looking through it now, I can't find it.
well its white on minimap but on the screen it probably wouldnt look too white. its like around the end of the dead dino bones like last peice of his tail i think
The tile is 55-11, its part of a wall i think... The dinos tail is kind of off white, but makes for a better white if you look right at it. THat one is 1253-7 i beleive.
And if your talking about the tile that appeats completely white in starforge, that got removed in the newer versions of i think, it was just a glitch and it was a different tile in game
Ooh I just found a good one. I think its the one kaboom was talking about, with the last piece of his tail in it. It's great cause there's a lot of white when you cover the screen, and it's hard to tell what your looking at but you know it looks cool
Nevermind, I tried it in the map and it's not that great. I'll just go with black, no big deal =/
P.S. I always wanted to die in the center of a nuclear explosion, Kaboom
(No joke