Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> SCMDraft -> Problems
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Nquiksilver on 2006-08-03 at 17:32:09
I am running into a lot of problems with text colouring, triggers, and briefing

The colouring problems are that sometimes the colouring appears, and sometimes it does't (same thing with my triggers). I set colours for individual lines, and it works for some of the text, but then it doesnt work for others. They are set up properly but they just dont work, like in the Forces menu, but ht e map name is coloured.

The triggers are the same. I have used 2 triggers that display a message at a certain time (on a countdown timer) and sometimes they just dont work. One will work, the the next one after it (which is a copy of the first, but with different time and message) wont show, the the next one shows up, and the last one doesn't work

The breifing question is that i can set the duration to anytime (tried :1000,10000,100000) and they all stay up for the same amount of time, i did the breifing in Starforge and they are set up properly

I am really confused and frustrated, any help is greatly appreciated
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Vibrator on 2006-08-07 at 01:29:29
Your problem isnt really with SCMDraft but with how SC triggering and breifings work.

For the colouring thing (if it only happens when there is a line with colouring followed by another line) that adding a line break (\r\n) helps to correct this. For breifinggs what u need is Wait(#); at the end of the trigger, that will control how long it stays

I can't really tell what your trigger problem is without seeing the triggers themslves but it looks as if u need to remember that triggers work from top to bottom (i doubt that helps at all)
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