I'm pretty sure this is extremely simple, how do you make it so it only shows 1 player on the leader board, instead of showing all the comps.
it will show ALL players ALL the time. however, if you have comps, they can be disabled.
in other words, you can only have one display if you only have one human palyer.
There is a trigger to disable computer players from the leaderboards but, other than that, you can't do much about having humans shown. The leader board will always show all human players in a game.
You could make 1000 observers that are constantly in the corner of your screen that blur out the people you don't want seen
Or you could just accept that you can only remove comp players...
I wonder if EUD's could get rid of em.
Leaderboard writes on top of observer blur.
it is impossible to hide a human player from a leaderboard, end of story.