i'm testing different spells on a map , and well , this is the problem : I got a player (3) that uses an "explosion" of hallucinated Kakaru to heal people. Well the trigger is
Player 3
Player 3 bring at least 1 Spell Caster! to bb (using beacon system [suckz , i kno])
Player 3 accumulates at least 45 gas (used as energy)
Preserve Trigger
teleport civi
quit ur gas
center view on u
display message
ok , now , this is the spell
...Create 1 Observer At p3 location for player 3
Create 8 kakaru at p3 location for player 3
Remove 1 Observer at p3 location for player 3
Kill all kakaru for player 3
Wait 750 miliseconds
then that again but 8 scouts and 15 kakarus , and then more
the problem is , that when i test , explosions gets too long for exploding.
then i tested with 300 miliseconds , and still over 2 seconds to explode
then .. i tested with 1 milisecond!! and still 2 seconds to explode
well , i got hyper triggers renewed so that isnt the problem .
EDIT : I write full trigger here so u dont need to download the map