Most mapmakers only finish about 1/7 of the maps they start. (based on information from poll.)
So many potentially good maps lost....
And; most of these maps are abandoned because people get tired of making them.
But, once I had a pretty good semi-open RPG called templars oath that turned out this way... it just sat in my hard drive for a few months, then finally I met an new mapmaker who i thought had potential and was fraught for ideas...
I gave him the map and told him he could finish it if he wanted... In the end it came out as a very nice RPG and with added features I hadn't thought of.
So what I'm getting at is:
There should be a section in downloads where people post unfinished maps (that they don't intend on finishing) and allow other mapmakers; (members only) to finish them....
I think this is a good way to utilize the community aspect of!
Mog and me have a very problem with that.
I have lots of maps in progress because when i get a new idea i start to making it and leave other projects behind, or just that i run out either of text strings or locations, some times not enough units.
I agree with you in that there should be a download section for that, who knows...maybe something we post there will appear on at 100%
I like that idea, shouldn't this be in Feedback and Bugs? A dl section should be "Unfinished Maps"
Sounds like a good idea. Me ill get an Idea go with it then just leave it. I dont like to make games bases after stuff b.c then people get critical bout what ur missing or need or did too much of. Plus i like to do things that have never been done maybe thought of but not ever done lol. If we posted unfinished maps I would have only around 2 to post b.c my other 5 i didnt finished i deleted.
i have like 204784 unfinished maps
WAY too many Ideas that i abboned and think of new ones later to be abandoned. For instance GTA:VC was created By GgG-Criminal and he said he had to finish one day and i was like: HOLY

so i want to work on it right away but he didnt want to do the patrols of the city so i helped

Good idea we should have it
I don't like the idea of a "unfinished maps" download section.
Thread moved to Feedback and Bugs
Well, it should be for whoever wants his maps to be finished, not that everyone has to upload their maps against their will, if u dun like it, just dun put ur maps there, i don't think there will be one section anyway.
How many people want 50 mapmakers to continue there map independantly. Then compair that to the amount of people who would like a advanced person or one of similer skill to finish there map.
I think a download section like this caters to only half of the audiance if that. It also depends very heavly on the map.
Well, if there could be a sort of control it would be a good idea, once the map is dled, remove it, but that will be kinda annoying so I don't think there would be a section.
So i guess we'll have to keep with if we want someone to finish our incompleted maps, we'll have just to give it to them.
Well, I like the idea but we can't just have a section so everyone can download it. I say there should be a forum that anyone can post info about unfinished maps they got and people that want to finish them will post there and get the map from the maker in private messege, if this guy stopped working on the unfinished map he should post this in the thread so someone else can get it...
i like the idea, but i think only members that r regulars or maybe 100 posts can dl
Only Download Control will make this possible, yeah like bolt said, imagine 50 different versions of a map you started -_-"
That would be the perfect idea. You'd just have to make sure it was someone who would actually work on the map, and not let it sit on their hard drive. Once it gets passed to the new person, it gets taken off a 'featured unfinished maps' page. That would be pretty cool. And of course, the maps would have to be at least, say, 30-40% done? Before that is not that much methinks...after 30-40, you've got some solid ground convered, so the new guy won't just chuck it in a fit of rage when he sees how little you've done. This could be a really cool idea!
It sounds like you might as well just let your friend download your unfinished map on and let them finish it. It's quick and thorough and you just might as well... Or just forget about the unfinished map because after all they are just unfinished, work on the projects you have, let other people work on their projects and sooner or later your unfinished idea will spawn in another game whether you like it or not. That's the way it is.
I dislike the idea, because when you make map you have ideas for it and way you want it done. If someone else comes along an works on it wont do it same you will do it and may come out looking

or just ok. When you wanted it looking awesome.
Yes but why do you think people would have the maps here for people to dl. Because they dont wanna work on it anymore.
But as bolt said if number people d/l map could be number of version of map on net and you wouldn't know which version is right because could be all different ones but same map.
QUOTE(Moogle @ Aug 2 2004, 08:57 AM)
But as bolt said if number people d/l map could be number of version of map on net and you wouldn't know which version is right because could be all different ones but same map.
Read my post up there ^
Yea i guess that could work in away drone. Oo but still would you let a rookie map maker work on one ur maps? i guess you have see one person maps before you give it to them. But after reading what ya posted i guess this could work.
Here's what I was thinking... Sorry I didn't explain well.
Each unfiished map is posted in a forum with a detailed description of storyline, characters, gameplay, terrain, and what the original maker intended to do to finish it. Then if another mapmaker is browsing the forum and finds one he/she is interested in completing they would PM the creator and ask if they could have the map emailed too them, or transfered over bnet. That way someone who you had a grudge against wouldn't have an unprotected version of your map, and nobody you find unworthy to work on your map would be able to mess with it.
Also, you could have conditions in your post, such as: "If you work on this map you must not change the character names." or "If you finish this map you must have my name in brief."
Well Mog, i think its better if a rookie map maker finishes ur map, than have it just...forgotten in your Folder, falling in sadness cuz u didn't finish it ='(, u kno im right cuz im Riz, and ur Mog, me human, ur a white haired midget with a pom pom

Its true, I have like 30 unfinished good maps in my maps folder O.O