So I'm making a "Tag" based map, using Xtra 2.6, and I don't know how to do this:
-The IT guy, that has to catch all the Runners, and when he kills one of them, they will be sent to a jail area, where another Runner will have to run by and touch the jail area to free the captured Runner.
-Now I want to set an Anti-Camp trigger, so the IT doesn't camp the jail and make it impossible for the runners to save.
-How the trigger stats is, if the IT has stayed in the jail area for more than 20 seconds, he will receive a warning, and an unmarked timer will roll for 30 seconds, where after 30 seconds if the IT is still in the jail area, that unit will be killed. What I have down so far is:
-Current Player brings at least 1 IT to 'jail'.
-Wait for 20000 milliseconds.
-Display for current player "Warning message".
-Wait for 30000 milliseconds.
-Display for current player "Dead"
-Kill 1 IT for current player at 'jail'.
-Preserve Trigger.
Now the problem is the trigger keeps running the kill timer even after the IT has stepped off the jail area, so if the IT steps off after receiving the warning, but returns to the jail 30 seconds later, it will still die, since the trigger was still running, and the 30 seconds will be up just as the IT comes back. So how do you fix it so the trigger will reset if the IT steps off the jail area before the kill action?
-My next issue is I'm also making a computer IT to accommodate the human IT, where the computer will patrol through the map and try to kill the Runners. There are also safe spots where the Runners can run to and stay, where they can't be killed under regular means.
-The problem is, the computer will set itself on one single Runner, the first one it finds, and follow it until that runner is dead. But if the runner runs to a safe spot, the computer will just stay there and camp the exit, or patrol the safe spot exit points, since it can't reach the runner, so the runner is basically trapped, while the other runners are safe. Even if another runner runs directly into and past the camping computer, the computer will not chase the other runner, but just stay with it's first target. It looks like this so far:
-Execute AI Script 'AI Harass Here' at 'Anywhere'.
-Execute AI Script 'Value This Area Higher' at 'Anywhere'.
-Execute AI Script 'Send All units on Random Suicide Missions'.
-Execute AI Script 'Send All units on Strategic Suicide Missions'.
-Preserve Trigger.
So how do I fix it so the computer won't stay locked on one runner, and will basically give up after a short time and pursue other runners?
Lastly, the computer will also receive units such as a Defiler, Queen, and Science Vessel, with their abilities, and I want to know what AI Script to use so they will patrol around the map (without running into obvious danger), and use their abilities when necessary, like Plague at the right time, much like Computers in Melee. The above AI patrol script does not work, since these units have no primary attack, they just stay at their original spawn point, nor do they use their abilities.
Any help will be much appreciated, thanks.
For your first problem, all you have to do is say if IT brings 1 IT to the jail, wait 30000 milli seconds, then say the warning then set switch 1 then you say if switch one is set wait for 20000 milli seconds then kill IT then you say If Switch 1 is set and IT brings exactly 0 IT's to the jail, clear switch 1.
Just preserve all those and it should work!
Okay, for your second question, to start, make it so that when they go into the safe spots they become invincable, the cat shouldn't try to chase an invincable mouse, hopefully that will work, also, there is a tutorial on how to make computers use spells, although trust me, it probly wont work for ur map
Tutorial!If some of what I said doesn't work, it isnt my fault, but I just checked out an old cat n mouse, and what they did was they told the cats this:
OKay if the cats bring any cats to the middle(which is where they start) order them to patrol to a location in the top right (JU) if they go to JU then patrol to the top left, then if they go there patrol to the bottom, then patrol back to the middle, then they had a 1000 milli second wait and a preserve trigger
Okay, AND they threw a send all units on random suicide mission in there, that was the only AI used.
Thanks for the input, I'll try it when I get home later, but I don't think making the safe spot areas invincible is a good idea, since the ITs can hire smaller units later and try to get in, and the runners have the opportunity to build and hire units to protect them, so an invincible area would be cheap.
The computer IT also has trouble when a Runner has run into an area, blocked the entrance with buildings before the IT can get in, so the IT will run back and forth on the other side of a wall trying to get the Runner, because the entrance has something blocking it, and the computer is fixed on that runner, any suggestions?
Ya I realized later that the invincability was a bad idea, I'm not sure, but I tried out the map I looked at with those triggers I told you and there isnt a problem whatsoever so maybe you should try it out