terrain is a little blocky
i should have stated, thats not the actual terrain. it was just an example of the stats system. i'll update the screenies soon.
So why are you only using protoss units for the droids?
i wanted the droids all the same race for realism reasons. the droids are in my mind, highly advanced battle units, semi-biological, semi-mechanical. a zerg unit wouldn't seem right? maybe im wrong.
it sounds all too familiar too me, you need something more... something that'll make this map more original...
trust me, this map is very original in the way im designing it. i think you'll be impressed with the stats systems once you see them up and running. im also creating a constant help message, which suggests what you should do at a certain point in the game. for instance, if you encounter another droid, a game message tells you how much virtual life the enemy unit has. if it looks bad for you, the game message will advice that you escape/cast a certain spell.
also, you have the options to upgrade 1 of 4 stats, as follows:
1. HP Total (10 Levels)
2. MP Total (10 Levels)
3. HP Regeneration Rate (10 Levels)
4. MP Regeneration Rate (10 Levels)
Also, I am introducing some nice spells, as follows:
Switch ---------- Switch places with the enemy unit
PWR Revive ---------- Revive PWR (part of the virtual HP system)
Influence ---------- Mind control enemies (does not include droids)
Teleport ---------- Escape from battle, back to base
Freeze ---------- Literally freezes another droid
Shatter ---------- You morph into a crystal, explode and kill then reappear
Self Hallucination ---------- Creates hallucinated droids for the caster
Morph ---------- Morph from a slow Reaver into a fast Shuttle
Berserk ---------- You lose control of your unit, but do double damage