all i know is that triggers work
Top -----> Bottom
p1 -----> p8
if thats any help then yay
, if not then boo hiss hiss boo
[right][snapback]542206[/snapback][/right] runs player 1's triggers, top to bottom.
Then player 2's triggers, top to bottom.
All Players and stuff like for Forces is NOT the same as having the triggers checked for every player. All Players and Force triggers run AFTER the triggers that are assigned to each player. This is in the tutorial above.
The tutorial by blizzard I linked to above also states that player 1's triggers going first actually becomes an issue because if two people bring a unit to a location at exactly the same time and whoever it brings it first gets something, the higher numbered player would get it, since their triggers go first. Of course, hyper triggers would basically fix this problem, but it's just an example of how the trigger order works.
EDIT: Forgot to mention wait blocks. These pertain to single players, so even if player 1 is executing a wait block, it will still go on to player 2-8's triggers. You'll get the hang of how those work after working with them, though.
All wrong, Blizzard's FAQ lies.