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Staredit Network -> Ideas -> Need various ideas with specific terms [for RPG]
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-10 at 07:12:34
- Strength (physical attack)
- Vitality (physical defense)
- Dexterity & Agility (accuracy, evasion, speed)
- Magic Power (magical attack)
- Spirit (magical defense)

Battle stats- Attack (Strength + Weapon)
- Defense (Vitality + Armor)
- Speed (Dexterity & Agility + Weapon/Armor bonuses)
- Accuracy/Evasion (Determined by the caster's speed and the target's speed)
- Magic (Magic Power + Weapon)
- Magic Defense (Spirit + Armor)
Weapons/Armors also includes accessories

Basically I need the following:

- MP cost
- Elemental types (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, Darkness or none)
- Status effect add (I don't really have any yet so feel free to make one)
- Targeting (single target/party, single target only, party only?)
- Power [facultative]
- Type (Magical, Physical or none)
- Can miss? (Accuracy is calculated/ignored)
- Can cause critical hit? (Double damage)
- Other effects
- Details

- Solid information (Nothing like: Make a char with silvr hair and a big swrd cuz its cool!!!)
- Character background (facultative; Not even made a background for my 6 other characters yet tongue.gif)
- 2 classes (facultative; I will probably choose them anyway in the end)

- Weapon/Armor types (Swords, rods, spears, shields, armor, etc.)
- HP/MP growth (when vitality or spirit is permanently increase)
- Bonus stats when getting class (Don't add too much, 20 max total)

I need 8 weapons and armors for each character so use your imagination. smile.gif
- Elemental Attack bonuses (Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, Darkness or none)
- Attack power (greatest weapons will have around ~200)
- Extra stats
- Extra effects (Example: A sword which can hit all foes yawn.gif!!!)

- Elemental Defense bonuses (Half, No damage or absorb to: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, Darkness or none)
- Defense power (greatest armors will have around ~200)
- Extra stats
- Extra effects (Example: An armor which regenerates 500HP per turn yawn.gif!!!)

- Elemental Properties (See Weapons and Armors)
- Extra stats
- Extra effects (Example: Protects agaisnt all ailments)

Good statuses/Ailments
- Don't propose me a critical status, it would slow like hell the game at each turn.
- Propose anything else than that. smile.gif

RPG name
Started this 3 months ago and I couldn't find a name yet. sad.gif

I'm making a 96x96 map where people will be able to gain points and get prizes (like levels, bonus stats, skills experience, etc.)

I need an idea of how this could work... Total damage one has done in battle x 1 points for winner and /2 points for loser?

So if you think you can be of any help, please post your ideas!!!
I may edit the post and add more...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Electroid on 2006-08-11 at 12:15:13
great ideas, but even the best gameplay requires a good storyline. if you can trigger all those stat systems, and you have an original idea for the quest, id say GO FOR IT!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Roman-Centurion on 2006-08-11 at 13:19:47
yes very intuitive and unique, hope you go through with it keep up the motivation!
and yes as ele said the story line is most of the game, otherwise its just crap
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-11 at 20:28:59
I am now officially completely confused; I am asking for ideas and I'm being told I have good ideas? O_o

Now I highly doubt that will come handly but thanks for the comments.

And, yes, my storyline will own. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-11 at 23:39:16
Well its going to have to be turn based and your going to have to make the max for number for a stat 9999 any higher is impossible due to string limits. And its also nearly impossible to make more then 8 units in a single battle.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-08-12 at 01:25:19
Perhaps for a job, you can make stuff and sell them!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Electroid on 2006-08-12 at 02:17:37
sure, well in my opinion, there are alot of RPG maps that get a little too repetetive. it sounds like you have the ability to make a constructive unit for the player, which is great, but i think the following attributes will make your map a real success.

1. regular updates/progress of the storyline.
2. single player allows you to throw in some nice sound tracks, and eases the map production.
3. make some original ideas.

and speaking of original ideas, i have a good idea for you. you could develop an underground train station system? so you walk up to the station and a message is displayed which offers you a ticket for a price. if you accept the ticket, you obviously get transported to the train station at the other end. i was thinking, if you open a jungle terrain map, create a high cliff, and go to the cliff doodads, you could use those metal structures to represent the train stations. ah well, just an idea.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-12 at 08:25:57
And what,s that with the 9999 limit with strings? ermm.gif

Strings, as far as I remember are used for location names, triggers comments, Display texts... and I think that's it. As for death counters (which I'm obviously using), I tested and the maximum is 9,800,000. Anyway, my maximum stats is 255 and battle stats are 511.

At first, I wanted to make an "active" battle system but i figured out later that it would be almost impossible... or there wouldn't be enough space for my variables.


Regular updates? I was thinking making a new update about every week on my later levels of the map with a link to the newest version in my maps. smile.gif
A very simple link: (NOTHING THERE YET)

Gotta love fileden for free uploading and hotliking with short URLs. tongue.gif

Well, it's going to have to be a map pack because I will have 1 arena map, 1 mini-games map and 1 to 3 storyline maps...

I really don't want to make my max stats or whatever higher because people would complain that inputting a 200 byte long code to load thier character is just too annoying (it's already 62 byte long).

I can't allow single player, sadly. People would just use single player to cheat very easily to have infinite HP/MP and beat up very high level monsters.

Heh good Idea for the train station; maybe I can create a line of vultures with a map centering on the first one until the destination is reached. tongue.gif
That would be much faster than walking on the World map (Yeah it will be big and encounter rate will be high). The world map is not another SC map no worries. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Electroid on 2006-08-12 at 08:59:45
have you ever played RUSH? its a single player game, but it doesn't allow you to play it in single player. you have to go online to play it. anyway, the more players, the more fun i guess. its cool you like the train station idea. how long do you think it'll take you to make the map? is this your first serious production?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-12 at 09:55:23
First serious production? Yes, and perhaps I'm not devoting enough time to it even though I don't lack time...

Making the map? I never planned to end it (constant continuation for the storyline, new skills, new classes, new items, bug fixes, etc.).

For the first release I'm planning the end of this year or the beginning of 2007 since I'm such a lazy guy. tongue.gif

Till' then, let's hope Blizzard doesn't close sad.gif

Oh and also, my map can only be played via and LAN so I will provide saves for those who wants to play alone. smile.gif (So it doesn't check and cause defeat to the player)
... Although I'm not sure if it works to give someone else.

I'll ask my friend to code a simple .exe which will contain all the maps and get in the registry the Starcraft folder put the saves and maps in the proper folders. But I think I'll have to pay him. disgust.gif

Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-12 at 23:10:11
all the numbers from 1-9999 in display text takes about 58000 strings which is way to much to begin with =/ and yes you can make the stats as high as you want but you wont be able to display them.

+correct me if im wrong and im assuming ur using up minerals/vespense and leaderboard already.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-13 at 09:06:16
If I ever lack of space for text, I'll just start a new map, not much complicated.
Mainly because there is a lot of dialog in my RPG, no need to go through all of it though, unless you want to start a new character.

Minerals = HP
Gas = MP
Leader board Custom = ATB bar? not sure yet.


I am making an arena map and a mini-games map (which I also require ideas for). And I was wondering: Should I have points for each of them separately (Battle points & Mini-games points) or just global points; Therefore you could choose between the Arena and Mini-Games map to collect your points faster to get whichever prize you want.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-15 at 22:44:22
Yes i know what ur saying in ur post with hp and mp thats pretty obvious but attack and all those other stats your talking about will need to be displayed some how and ur oppenents hps and how much damage you deal with ur attacks.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-16 at 07:08:39
Yeah but doesn't Starforge uses the same string if the string is already there instead of creating one? From 0 to 9, that will take me 10 strings (to display damage, stats, etc.)... not a big deal.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-16 at 20:06:12
From 0 to 9 thats only a max of 9 i said you could make ur max up to 9999 so what are you arguing for?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-16 at 22:04:05
I am now totally confused since I have no idea of what you're talking about.

max 9999 confused.gif

Are you talking about damage? You'd be crazy to think that if my max damage amount was 9999 that I would make 9999 different triggers and especially with different strings. tongue.gif

My max damage will be set to 65535 (mainly to prevent abuse/making more triggers) and will be displayed as such:

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2000, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 60000, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 65535, damage);
Displaytext("[red]6", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 60000, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2001, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 5000, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 5999, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 5000, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2002, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 500, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 599, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 500, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2003, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 30, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 39, damage);
Displaytext("[red]3", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 30, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2004, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, exactly, 5, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 5, damage);
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-17 at 03:07:14
I didnt directly state that you the usage of 9999 triggers was required. I was simply stating facts: "in using all numbers 1-9999 in strings you will need to use approximately 58000 strings," but yes ur right in the sense that my wording was quite off,it sure is possible to have a stat higher then 9999 but, it is best to have the max of 9999 for many reasons. In final fantasy say they have a pre-set maxium of damage as 9999 when they could have had it has 9999-billion
now take this into an sc map why would you want to have it as more then 9999?
its not like your going to have any reason to make the max damage more then 9999 as starcraft maps starcraft maps are generally considered no-more then an hour of gameplay at a time so seriously tell me why are you still arguing?

In context to ur post ur system is very bugy in that you cant display 0's so if your doing 5002 damage it will subtract 5000 points and then it will be left with a 2 so it will display 52 damage when it should be 5002 its the same with 40432 it will display 4432 not only that but you will have hyper trigger problems in that without hyper triggers it will display ur text way to slow assuming the usage of hyper triggers it will display things more then once so you might get something like this when attempting to display 5002 damage:

when it should be displayed as 5002
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-17 at 09:03:42
Deaths(current player, exactly, 2000, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 60000, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 65535, damage);
Displaytext("[red]6", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 60000, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2001, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 5000, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 5999, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 5000, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2002, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 500, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 599, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 500, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2003, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 30, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 39, damage);
Displaytext("[red]3", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 30, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2004, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, exactly, 5, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 5, damage);

Those aren't there for show; they make me keep track of every action in my RPG

So it would display like this:

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2000, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at most, 9999, damage);
Displaytext("[red]0", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2001, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at least, 5000, damage);
Deaths(current player, at most, 5999, damage);
Displaytext("[red]5", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 5000, damage);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2002, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at most, 99, damage);
Displaytext("[red]0", 0);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2003, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, at most, 9, damage);
Displaytext("[red]0", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);

Deaths(current player, exactly, 2004, actionscript);
Deaths(current player, exactly, 2, damage);
Displaytext("[red]2", 4);
Setdeath(add, 1, actionscript);
Setdeath(subtract, 2, damage);

Anything buggy in that? Well at least you made me think that I have to do something about those useless "0"... I'll just use a switch. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-18 at 01:19:52
Need ideas? Stop arguing about the pointless.

"my maximum stats is 255 and battle stats are 511"
"My max damage will be set to 65535"

confused.gif theres nothing to say
by that i ment theres nothing nice to say about ur system...
in that it sucks.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daedalus on 2006-08-25 at 15:30:57
jhuni, I believe it is you who is talking nonsense, unless I haven't understood you which is certainly an option since you are not exactly talking clear blink.gif.

In context to ur post ur system is very bugy in that you cant display 0's so if your doing 5002 damage it will subtract 5000 points and then it will be left with a 2 so it will display 52 damage when it should be 5002 its the same with 40432 it will display 4432 not only that but you will have hyper trigger problems in that without hyper triggers it will display ur text way to slow assuming the usage of hyper triggers it will display things more then once so you might get something like this when attempting to display 5002 damage:

when it should be displayed as 5002
While you are absolutely right about the zero's, that can be fixed by using as switch as Zodiac says (thought I'm not entirely sure how he does that) smile.gif.
On the other hand, you are absolutely NOT right about the hyper triggers. They will most certainly not cause triggers to run more times as they should, why would you think that? When the trigger which will display a '5' runs it will also subtract 5 (or 50, or 500, etc). That way it would be impossible for it to run itself again since it doesn't meet the conditions anymore.

all the numbers from 1-9999 in display text takes about 58000 strings which is way to much to begin with =/ and yes you can make the stats as high as you want but you wont be able to display them.

+correct me if im wrong and im assuming ur using up minerals/vespense and leaderboard already.
Why would it take 580000 strings to show the numbers from 1 to 9999? blink.gif I have no idea how you got that number but I'm rather sure it only requires 10.000 strings if you want to show them all completely, or just 10 if you want to display them number by number.

Well its going to have to be turn based and your going to have to make the max for number for a stat 9999 any higher is impossible due to string limits.
Wrong and wrong. I am working on an engine which can also power all those stats and effects, and I'm pretty sure that the last time I looked it was certainly not turn based wink.gif.
And its also nearly impossible to make more then 8 units in a single battle.

Uh? blink.gif Could you enlighten me on this one, I think I've missed something? mellow.gif


@Zodiac, I'm working on a comparable project. Large, detailed, a huge lot of features, planned to never finish it, etc. I'll send you a PM soon, if you don't mind smile.gif.
While I can certainly give you some ideas for all those things you've asked, I think it is better and simpler if you would think them up yourself. I'm sure that you are creative enough to think of weapons, spells, effects and the whole thing. If not then wait for an inspiration mood and try it again tongue.gif. Then you can always ask for help if you, for example, just can't think of a good name for your character. Asking for ideas for fourty different stats is... just not going to work tongue.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zodiac on 2006-08-25 at 20:53:11
Well, thanks for clearing up things for him; I was sick of answered his "false arguments" that made me look like I was less skilled than I am.

That's practically an insult jhuni. closedeyes.gif

Err, I think I'll start coding my save/loading system sunday in the end. tongue.gif

Ya, 1400~1800 triggers for that is bug, but It's a function I want.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-26 at 16:44:29
Why would it take 580000 strings to show the numbers from 1 to 9999?  I have no idea how you got that number but I'm rather sure it only requires 10.000 strings if you want to show them all completely, or just 10 if you want to display them number by number.

There is a certain amount of space reserved for strings in a map, 65536 bytes.
A string takes up 2, plus 1 for each of the characters in the string. Strings always have a null character on the end.

Learn ur facts
9999x6=59994 the exact amount is about 58000...

Wrong and wrong. I am working on an engine which can also power all those stats and effects, and I'm pretty sure that the last time I looked it was certainly not turn based

You cant detect which unit is attacking which again your way off and he changed his map to turn based.

And its also nearly impossible to make more then 8 units in a single battle.

8 players to store the death counters.

learn ur facts before you argue alright?

Zodiac im sorry for the insults sad.gif

I think you should study some of the best SRPG's battle systems because you probaly are mainly into action RPG's by the looks of it im just giving some helpful advice you can pour hundreds of hours into making your map like this if thats what you whatever im not even going to attempt to change your ideas anymore do what you want.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daedalus on 2006-08-26 at 18:07:24
QUOTE(jhuni @ Aug 26 2006, 09:44 PM)
There is a certain amount of space reserved for strings in a map, 65536 bytes.
A string takes up 2, plus 1 for each of the characters in the string. Strings always have a null character on the end.

Learn ur facts
9999x6=59994 the exact amount is about 58000... [right][snapback]551277[/snapback][/right]
But then again, 10*6 is ehm, 60. I do not understand why you would want to use 9999 strings if 10 are enough?

QUOTE(jhuni @ Aug 26 2006, 09:44 PM)
You cant detect which unit is attacking which again your way off and he changed his map to turn based.[right][snapback]551277[/snapback][/right]
I'm pretty I know my own map a tiny little bit better then you do. I do not have a turn based system, though still I know exactly who's attacking who.

QUOTE(jhuni @ Aug 26 2006, 09:44 PM)
8 players to store the death counters.[right][snapback]551277[/snapback][/right]
I don't know the exact number of units for each player, but I do know that is is more then enough to store any data you want for more then 8 units. You are also forgetting that there are multiple other ways to store data, for example my own designed Position Data Storage, which can load and save tons of data (besides other things).
Take for example the Crescent Dyne RPG. I quote: "The system itself can only support 21 enemies, but 21 is enough. This system supports just about any factor in gameplay (Attack, Armor, Critical hits, Missing, Resistances/Weaknesses, Spells, Attack Cooldowns*, etc., etc.)
(*things I didn't put in Crescent Dyne but could have)"

And guess what, it isn't turnbased smile.gif.

QUOTE(jhuni @ Aug 26 2006, 09:44 PM)
learn ur facts before you argue alright?[right][snapback]551277[/snapback][/right]
Roger that. You be sure to do the same? I'm sure we'll be able to get along just fine.

QUOTE(jhuni @ Aug 26 2006, 09:44 PM)
I think you should study some of the best SRPG's battle systems because you probaly are mainly into action RPG's by the looks of it im just giving some helpful advice you can pour hundreds of hours into making your map like this if thats what you whatever im not even going to attempt to change your ideas anymore do what you want.
Enlighten me, which are the best SRPG's? I'm curious smile.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by jhuni on 2006-08-26 at 21:10:26
Sorry im not going to argue i could but it would be of no use.

Enlighten me, which are the best SRPG's? I'm curious

DHD, FFT, LT, MK, RMA, SD, TO, TO:TKL, OB, The FE series
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daedalus on 2006-08-27 at 05:21:03
I'm quite sure we were talking about maps (SRPG maps in this case) from Starcraft, not complete games...?
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