This is going to be the most accurate Zombie Map to date.
In real life, you can't shoot through a wall to kill a zombie... So I've come up with this 3-Layered Wall System I will be using... perfect for windows and vents!
During a zombie attack, you wouldn't just be able to earn certain "skills" while "leveling." So at the start of the game you will be given a random person and their profession.
If you were attacked by zombies, you'd grab anything and everything to help you. There will be many household items usuable as weapons or items.
Zombie attacks are usually unpredictable. Do you spend your time in a boarded up house with a shotgun waiting for zombies? I don't think so. Run to a lodging and barricade it yourself you lazy bum! You might have to pick up some materials (minerals) along the way too.
Ammo. Should I have it where each zombie has 1 HP like Zombie Hotel, or should I have shared ammo?
The setting is out on the countryside, but It doesn't look like the countryside anymore.
Map Size: Still being Determined
Tileset: Ashworld
Players: Six
Making room for the actual map
I made this template by myself...
More information please. Well by the looks of it, its as if you can actually use any item you can find. How many items are you going to have? If you need a tester PM me.
It sounds great....! So it will be more like a RPG right?!! Instead of just hiding in a corner and blowing up 1 hp?? units!!! Thats wat i would like to 2...!
Oh and that layout that red is really hard 2 read.. I had 2 select it with my mouse so i could read it!
I'm not sure how many items I will have, but considering it will be in the countryside will only a couple little cabins not that much... but everything will be usable.
I know there's not much information, but the reason I started this map is because of the 3-Layered Wall System. Since I've been messing with it for a couple of days I believe it's perfected. It's actually pretty cool... I'll get some screenshots soon of a cabin and explain everything later.
Can u go.. Get some SS now.. i really wanna see this 3-layer walls!
Sort of sounds like the new game "Dead Rising" that is coming out. But in that game you are in a mall.
Ok, I really quick put the system together... I know it's really basic but I haven't seen it before...

Interesting. But i want more info please 
If ur going to make the terrain like that.. U rly need 2 make it catch the eye!!!
QUOTE(AshaMeD @ Aug 10 2006, 11:43 AM)
If ur going to make the terrain like that.. U rly need 2 make it catch the eye!!!
Watcha mean?
And I'll get some more information later for you guys. Stuff like:
-Item/Weapon List
-Zombie List
-People and Profession List
Oh, and you gaves haven't answered my question...
Ammo. Should I have it where each zombie has 1 HP like Zombie Hotel, or should I have shared ammo?
If you need any testers.... i wanna test

It looks pretty good. PM me.
I mean... Its kinda like a rpg but u have Square terrain!! So u rly got to work on it... So it looks nice! In that kind of map!
Wait itsa RPG? I thought I was making it survival... I mean yeah at some points your going to have to go to a house a "mile" away or something, but its really just a survival I thought... sorry!
yeah sure ill PM you if i need ya demon
Wait... actually that's a really good idea ashamed! Yeah... I'm gonna make it an RPG! You go to city to city searching for survivors and whatnot... thanks!
The Building are gonna hafta be ISOM tho...
Or else the 3-layered wall system wont work...
QUOTE(Nayed @ Aug 10 2006, 01:36 PM)
yeah sure ill PM you if i need ya demon

QUOTE(TheDaddy0420 @ Aug 10 2006, 11:36 AM)
Sort of sounds like the new game "Dead Rising" that is coming out. But in that game you are in a mall.
I was going to say the same thing...
Haha... yeah that's kinda where I got my inspiration from...
Sounds like a great game. Good luck with it.
Ammo should be shared if close by another player(IE using trigger to trade)
and Zombies should have fair Hp according to the damage dealt by weapons
(using a pistol, relatively longer kill rate, Using shotgun 1hit kill, and so on)
but other than that it looks pretty good, better than the original mineral walls!
also PM if you need anyhelp or whatnot.
First of all, thank you for finaly answering my question...
Well, since i'm making it into an RPG I figured everyone will go the same path. So Shared Ammo it is.
For the love of God..Do not add anything other than zombies, lest there be more disgraceful Dawn of the Dead maps there.
Looks like your using the sqaure terrain strategy idea so that makes it innovative. Its a simple idea but it seems nobody has used it so addleast its original abit. The min walls were crappy im glad you didn't use them like all the other dotd maps.
QUOTE(AshaMeD @ Aug 10 2006, 01:27 PM)
I mean... Its kinda like a rpg but u have Square terrain!! So u rly got to work on it... So it looks nice! In that kind of map!
You don't neccesarily have to have isometrical/extended terrain to do only roleplaying games... just to inform you.
Hmm . . . So the walls are 3 layered, but how will the entire building look like? Is it just going to be some 6x6 open area with 3 layered walls all around?
QUOTE(ShizTheresABear @ Aug 11 2006, 04:55 PM)
Hmm . . . So the walls are 3 layered, but how will the entire building look like? Is it just going to be some 6x6 open area with 3 layered walls all around?
[center]Yeah, I guess. I'll post a screenshot of a "cabin" a did in like 10 minutes...

WindowsWooden DeckDoorsVentCellarStairs[/center]
Is this going to be like Resident Evil: Village Defense?