Doom 3: Hell on Mars
A Zeratul_101 Production[/center]
Author's Note: "Doom 3" refers to the game produced by id Software, whereas "Doom 3: Hell on Mars" and "Doom 3: HOM" refer to the map currently in production.
[center]The Union Aerospace Corporation is the largest
corporate entity in existence
Originally focused on weapons and defense
contracts, new ventures have expanded into:
Biological Research
Space Exploration
and other scientific endeavors.
With unlimited funds and the ability to engage in
research outside of moral and legal obligations.
The UAC controls the most advanced technology
ever conceived...[/center]
The ruins of an ancient martian civilization have unlocked the secrets of teleportation. And the UAC will stop at nothing to harness this
world-altering technology. As part of a marine detachment sent to protect the facility, your duty seemed simple enough ... until the invasion. Now, in an epic clash against pure evil you must fight to understand who is with you, who is against you, and what must be done to stop this nightmare from reaching Earth.
Expected Release Date: N/A
Doom 3: Hell on Mars is an exercise in emulation - converting Starcraft into Doom 3. Doom 3 can now be experienced from the comfort of Battle.Net. This map will attempt to replicate as many of the asthetical and gameplay aspects of Doom 3 as possible through use of extended terrain, selective unit counter-parts and complex trigger systems. To preserve the duplication, Doom 3: HOM will forgo multi-player capabilities and maintain Doom 3's single-player format.
Due to the extensiveness of Doom 3, Doom 3: HOM will be created in a map series format as opposed to a single map. Final release versions of Doom 3: HOM will be released in a Zip file. Included in this Zip file will be at least eight maps comprising Doom 3: HOM, contact information, and a text guide explaining the gameplay of Doom 3: HOM.
[left]Features{Under Construction}[/left]
Virtual Combat System(VCS)
Barrier Detection
Object Reflection/Deflection
Personal Data Assistant
Mass Variable Item Storage
Reticle-Based Targeting
Pseudo-Random Scenario Generation
Combat AI
Primary Trigger Systems
Listed below are the largest trigger systems of Doom 3: HOM. They are responsible for replicating complex aspects of Doom 3 - such as combat and physics. The majority of the systems perform their processes virtually, for both functionality and efficiency.
Virtual Combat Mainframe (VCM)
A massive trigger system at the focal point of the VCS, it serves both as a
calculator and a database system. In its most basic form, the VCM performs
simple subtractive-counter functions. However, the system can also calculate
many other factors, which include armor, splash damage, and specific/general
damage-bonuses. On the other hand, the database system tracks multiple
forms of data, such as armor, hit-points, weapons carried and various other
information. This data is modified as deemed neccessary by the system's
Combat AI (CAI)
{Under Construction}
Third-Party Targetting (TPT)
The TPT system is a selection system with functionality for both combat and non-
combat purposes. It utilizes a secondary 'reticle' unit to achieve this. To
increase combat functionality, features such as accuracy and auto-tracking are
included. 'Functionality Tracking' is also implemented, which limits the 'reticle' to
locales where it can operate.
Grid-Based Location Calculator (GBLC)
This system, with the aid of Micro-Scan, can track the X,Y-Coordinates of
multiple targets. Using this data, aspects such as location, distance, and slope
between two objects can be calculated. Furthermore, these calculations can be
used to implement weapon range, object deflection, barrier detection and
various other functions.
Multi-Stage Elevation Calculator (MSEC)
The MSEC tracks the Z-coordinate of all the mobile, dynamic objects throughout
the map. The system is responsible for trajectory calculations, taking appropiate
actions for object collisions, and displaying 'radar' to the user.
X-Cubed Media Display (XCMD)
A replica of Doom 3's PDA, this system is a dynamic database that contains and
displays various forms of media - audio, text, video. The system compensates
for expected, yet missing, media, that, when found, is sequenced into proper
Scenario Generator (SG)
The SG inputs user statistics, at the beginning of every level, from a pre-
compiled database of commonly-achieved statistics to differentiate playing
sessions. Alternatively, the system is also able to randomize said user statistics
within determined limits for random scenarios.
Random-Access Item Database (RAID)
This system is used to differentiate between generic item stockpiles with
maximum effectiveness. The RAID system maintains data on all of its entries
and can modify them all in-game, simultaneously.
Doom 3 ---> Doom 3: HOM Conversion Rate - 75%
One Player
Extended Installation Terrain/Extended Ash World Terrain
256x256 Map Size
Ideas - Stage(Finalizing) - 95%
Terrain - Stage(N/A) - 0%
Triggers - Stage(Testing) - 10%
This section will contain screenshots of Doom 3: HOM and the various maps in 'Related Maps'
Related Maps
Author's Note: To download attachments from this section, do not left-click on the link. Instead, right-click and select "Save Target As...", then select a download directory, assign a file name, and, finally, append ".scx" to the file name. If handling issues and/or errors occur with any map, simply post a message in this thread.
Using Euclid's Algorithm, the Fractional Reducer will convert fractions, as high as 30,000, to their lowest terms. Simple follow the onscreen instructions to activate the system.
Credits{Under Construction}
Special Mentions
Lethal_Illusion - For major technical assistance concerning major trigger systems,
such as Micro-Scan and mobile grids.
MoonlighTurtle - For major technical assistance with binary cutoffs for the
Grid-Based Location Calculator.
Grand Dracolich - For continued and valued support of Doom 3: HOM.
Production Thread
Created by: Zeratul_101(Content) & Kenoli(U)(Asthetics)
"Grid-Based Location Calculator"
Created by: Zeratul_101
Assisted by: MoonlighTurtle(Binary Cutoffs)
Ideas by: in a biskit(Mathematical Assistance)
"Virtual Combat System"
Created by: Zeratul_101
Ideas by: Psi(Third-Party Reticle)
Tuxedo Templar(Dark Templar Gunfire Effect)
Author's Note: All names are listed in the order of importance of said persons' contributions. If your name is not listed above and you believe it should be, simply contact me in this thread or via PM.
03/17/06 "Ideas" Thread Created
08/13/06 Production Thread Created
08/17/06 Fractional Reducer 1.0 Completed
09/02/06 X-Cubed Media Display 0.3 Completed
10/03/06 Fractional Reducer 1.0 Publicly Released
-V 1.5 of FR to include non-spammy instructions, more asthetic layout, centered screen, inverted unit building(build 1 to subtract, 2 to add), remove excess switches, tell about subtraction in opening message, permanently include 'observers', include resource showing for observers, add in even + even --> one # = 2, include sharing text messages.
-V 2.0 of FR to include spinesheath's math algorithm, remove timer, redo all DC and comment assignments, reanalyse/revamp all triggers, include DC usage listing, include owner transfering for absent P1/P2
-VCS SE should be made in 'engine' format, which allows for complete conversion by modifying a single trigger. EDIT: allow for modification ingame
-XCMD-v1.0 have sound, video
-XCMD-v1.1 display in two way(order of finding them or proper order)
-add DT 'sleep' mode when >7 enemies are activated
Expected Start of Alpha Testing: Started
Expected Start of Beta Testing: N/A
Alpha - A test map for a specific/group of trigger system(s). The map is not
created in a game format.
Beta - A game version of Doom 3: HOM. This map will resemble final release
versions of Doom 3: HOM. The map will contain most, if not all, of the
currently completed trigger systems.
1. Zell.Dincht(Alpha/Beta)
2. Urmom(U)(Alpha)
3. Jammed(Alpha/Beta)
4. Grand_Dracolich(Alpha/Beta)
5. Element-Nature(Alpha/Beta)
6. -
Author's Note: There are additional tester slots beyond the amount shown above. In addition, I will remove persons from the 'Testers' list without warning or post-notice if I believe he/she is 'leaking' maps or, otherwise, performing poorly.