for a map that I am creating i want to use the dark green o fht ejungle terrain, but use the asphalt in the badlands terrain. Is there a way for me to use both or is it impossible to cross terrain sections?
It is impossible to use terrain tiles from two different tilesets.
Yeah, you'll either have to put up with the icky grass or use those shrub doodads for tiles to emulate greenery (like the forest part I did in Rush).
Also, don't even waste time trying (I did) you can't do anything about it, starcraft just isn't built to run like that, the most you can do mixing tilesets is to use doodad SPRITES from other tilesets, other than that there is no mixing
yep, what everyone said is correct, you can't mix two tilesets. only doodad sprites, like falkoner said. expanding on that, a sprite is the part of the doodad that you can go 'under'. like the top of a tree, or the upper portion of a rock column.
thanks for the quick reposts guys, saved me alot of time with trying to make it work
Hmm.. but is there a way to copy terrain from map to other? (with same tileset ofcourse)
use scmdraft2's copy/paste function
just open the original map in one window, and the copied-to map in another