How is the easiest way to stop junkyard dog? Do i have to use switches, i dont want to in this case. It would be a pain, and I dont want to do switches.
Tell all the units to move to invalid terrain, it should stop them.
SO, like ordering them to move to a location where a unpassable tearrain is in the way, Wont that make them always move at that wall, back and forth trying to get to it?
er, no MOVE(not order) them ONTO a tile of invalid terrain(water, cliff etc.)
Umm, my question wasnt answered. I want the units owned by the human player to lose control of them, Junkyard dog, then I want this to end, not last for the rest of the game.
1. In order to JYD a human player without his/her interaction, JYD must be run on preserve.
2. Stopping JYD generally allows the human player to control them again.
3. In order to stop a computer's units on JYD simply use the Move (Teleport) action on the units and Move (Teleport) them to invalid terrain (a place where they cannot walk).
That exactly what I was looking for. Wouldnt that make the unit unplaceable thing appear, or the unit to be removed saying that the building supply is blocked or something to that sort.
"move unit" action doesnt create that msg. Nothing will just happen if its not able to move, but if its on preserve the unit wont be able to move just attack. Creating units that is unplaceable generates that msg only.
So, just teleporting the units to a place like water would stop the junkyard dog affect. So this will allow the units to be used as normal like, to attack and be moved and all that regular stuff.
yes but junk yard must not be on preserve or else it would just restart and the move unit is only needed once so no preserves on that either