posted a thread about this earlier. This'd be a cool feature for v5. Chat functions for threads/forums. Similar to the shoutbox, but context-based.
Woo Chat!I like this a lot. At the moment, Devilesk and I are the only ones on, but I can definately see how this could be useful.
But then NOBODY would go to op sen...
People still go to Op SEN? When I check it out, no one is ever on. In this case, a chatbox would make SEN a lot more interactive without loading SC or running a bot.
It slows down the page really really bad. Well you can leave it in a tab if you use Firefox.

If you programmed it into the site, or something like it (or simply just create 'instances' of the shoutbox for threads or something), then it shouldn't lag. And if it's like the shoutbox and out of the way, it shouldn't be intrusive either.
Oh speaking of the shoutbox, any way for v5 you could make an option to have it as a seperate frame or something? That way I can read my posts and stuff without having to switch tabs or windows or scroll to the bottom.
Maybe a sort of tabbed Shoutbox might work. I don't know how hard it would be to code though.
Yea, putting gabbly into SEN (or something like it) would be a great feature/option.
btw i always go to OP Sen when i log on SC.
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Aug 18 2006, 06:46 PM)
posted a thread about this earlier. This'd be a cool feature for v5. Chat functions for threads/forums. Similar to the shoutbox, but context-based.
Woo Chat![right][snapback]547105[/snapback][/right]
Wait, so there would be a separate chat log for each thread or something? It seems that would kind of defeat the purpose of having threads, but meh.I figured he just meant we should have gabbly open for "staredit.net" only, therefore having a massive chatroom instead of a shoutbox.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Aug 20 2006, 10:46 AM)
Wait, so there would be a separate chat log for each thread or something? It seems that would kind of defeat the purpose of having threads, but meh.
Well the shoutbox doesn't get rid of forum threads does it? I wouldn't think context-chats would diminish threads much, really. If anything they'd help declutter them.
EDIT- In any case it's worth a shot, maybe as an experiment.
Chat functions for forum categories might work, but I don't think that seperate ones for threads would be necessary... just have the regular shoutbox with tabs: General, Mapping, Melee, Modding.
Yeah, a thread is rather like a chat box. One for each forum for specific discussion wouldn't be bad, though.
I say we get rid of the shoutbox and just have a chatroom for the website. While Tux's thing sounds interesting, I have to agree with a bunch of you when I say that I believe it is really unnecessary because we already have threads.
Shoutbox > chatroom.
We already have a chat channel.
Well except for the refreshes.

But that's what I mean. Use the shoutbox for forum/thread contexts. If you're worried about chats taking away from the thread, you could always embed the chat logs between thread posts in chronological order to keep the discussion's context in line.
I don't see why we couldn't experiment with this. Would be useful for development threads, for example (where discussions often need to be more real time than posts).
Well, I like it. Its actually better than the shoutbox since you dont need to actually refresh. I say you should change it cause, if you leave the chat on. And if you go away you can scroll up and read wat they said. Since the regular shoutbox will not let u keep track about wat happens if you do leave.
I'm all for it. Gabbly is really good, exept slowin you down

I think I'd prefer Gabbly to the tabbed boxes. The tabs are basically like the current shoutbox, except with three more shoutboxes added to it.
Hmm. Perhaps shoutbox tabbing wouldn't be bad. You could create new instances of shoutboxes as you enter into threads, and keep tabs to traverse between the main ones or the thread-specific ones.
I know nothing of php, but that seems a pretty complex. Would it be easy to ceate a shouutbox for every single thread on this site? If so, that would be a great addition, I just figured it would be really difficult. That's why Gabbly is so cool.
If you can create one shoutbox, you can create more. I would assume, at least.
But can the website create a shoutbox automatically once a new topic is made? That was my point about how complex this may be. If its not hard at all, then go for it.
I suppose my main issue with it would be the fact that a shoutbox for each individual topic is like a thread without post counts. So it will be almost the same as posting in the topic itself. Given it isn't as quick as a shoutbox, but it virtually serves the same purpose.