Yeah... i tried to hard on that topic description. =)
I am basically his student of map making. I am helping with the generals project, but not in any kind of consistent manner. Mostly he does stuff by himself. =P
for my own projects, i'm obsessed with fantasy stories, roleplaying, and the like, so i have a few rpg maps to my name. While my current projects are very nice and well polished, the older maps would have to be touched up before i'd want to show them to people anymore.
i've also made a few mods of common maps, out of bordom and a lack of people to play the maps i want to play. MTG computer players (on enigma 1 only, currently) and similar computer-additions exist on my hard drive simply so i can play a multiplayer map i like without having to find people to play them with. ^.^
I'm a capable storyteller, i'm adept with triggers, and i have begun to learn the really complicated stuff recently.
To be honest though, i wouldn't have come here if psi hadn't been here first, and i'm still not likely to be active. i have to much going on in real life at the moment. This aside, i will still be around a little bit. =) =D