Hi everyone, i'm new here.. I'd like to ask some questions about auto-spawn creeps and sending them to attack..
I got the auto spawn part right already. But when doing the order to attack trigger i have some problems. Seeing as when you click on a unit's ATTACK button (in-game) and send them, they attack any enemies on the way. But i tried putting a location at the opp. base. But when the trigger fired, the units move there, ignoring and enemies unless they were attacked. They only start to Attack things by themselves after they reach the location. Also, the opp. base is fairly big, and when sent to attack they seem to only attack the buildings and stuff in the centre of the base, missing all the ones at the edge of the location.
Any help or suggestions on how to solve these problems are much appreciated.
All my Thanks in adv.

Use patrol as command and they attack everything.
Erm, i'll try that, but doesn't patrol make them walk all the way back the way they came?
According to some people, if i'm using multiple units, it won't work... so i need more suggestions on this. and i hope you people see the seconed part of my question, about the units only attacking the centre of locations, how can it be fixed?
Patrol makes it so, yes they will go back unless given another order, but it makes it so they attack at first sight, attack makes it so they only fight when someone gets in their way and attacks
when they reach the enemies base set them on random suicide mission they will then attack everything in the base then move on to the rest of the map. it would also stop them from patroling back to the spawn point
As long as you have a chain of order locations using patrol should be fine.

Using an Order action (Patrol) from Location 1 to Location 2.
And using an Order action (Patrol) from Location 2 to Location 3.
Yes, the idea with a map like DotA is that if the units reach the location you are ordering them to, they either receive a new order or the game is over anyway.
Like others said, Patrol is more aggresive.
Keep in mind that just because it can be done in Warcraft, it can't necessarily be done in Starcraft. In DotA the units are placed in Unit Groups (a variable object) for simpler referencing.
Legacy, I'm not sure I got your post, I got kinda what you meant, but wouldn't you have them go back to the first location once they got to the third, not that it has much to do with THIS topic though, random suicide missions are the way to go for this, at least, once they PATROL to the base
They don't go back to the location 1 cuz the patrols are 'new orders' They go to the previous location they started (re)patrolling. Using the random suicide is good. And if you want to use patrol all the time... You can have alot stuff to kill in there

OK, thanks you guys.. going to try all those stuff.. you've all been a great help, and i'll post here if i have anymore difficulties or find that the suggestions don't work, although i hope they do.. THANKS A MILLION!
when they reach the enemies base set them on random suicide mission
random suicide missions are the way to go for this, at least, once they PATROL to the base
Random suicide missions effects
all units, not units at a location.
For that to work you would need to give the units to a seperate computer player. Plus, with this script, there's really no guarantee that the units will even attack the base, they might run off somewhere to fight some hero.
So, Kenoli.. What would you suggest?