Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Clan Mp) -> Clan Mp) East~West Division
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EcHo on 2006-08-19 at 12:20:54
Clearly this division has caused the clan to die out. I rarely see anyone in Clan Mp or anyone in USEast with Mp) anymore. Theres only the clan bots. You either move the whole clan or just stay in one server. There isnt even a point of dividing the clan. Mp) is a small clan and why would you divide it now?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-08-19 at 14:17:46
QUOTE(Mini_Boobs_2707 @ Aug 19 2006, 12:20 PM)
Clearly this division has caused the clan to die out. I rarely see anyone in Clan Mp or anyone in USEast with Mp) anymore. Theres only the clan bots. You either move the whole clan or just stay in one server. There isnt even a point of dividing the clan. Mp) is a small clan and why would you divide it now?

I Think its cause mini wanted something to divide us from the other clans, to make us more "Special"...

but thats just me.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-08-19 at 15:17:39
Dumbest idea ever to split the clan when theres only like 12 members and only 5 of them are ever on...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-08-19 at 17:34:19
Umm, idk when you are on, but when I m normally on I have the Mp)7-7 and When I am in Clan Mp channel, i normally see at least 7 bots and one or two more clan Mp members also they are plying games so you dont see them in the channel. Just cause they are not in the channel doesnt mean we are never there, there may be like 5 people in Mp in the same game.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-08-20 at 00:43:22
QUOTE(7-7 @ Aug 19 2006, 02:33 PM)
Umm, idk when you are on, but when I m normally on I have the Mp)7-7 and When I am in Clan Mp channel, i normally see at least 7 bots and one or two more clan Mp members also they are plying games so you dont see them in the channel.  Just cause they are not in the channel doesnt mean we are never there, there may be like 5 people in Mp in the same game.

I was in mp for a year and a half and i saw 5 members on at same time (including me) at the most.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ryu on 2006-08-23 at 00:37:15
lol omg 7 bots and 2 members!!! ahhh the clan is growing! tongue.gif
still, that counts as a small clan
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-08-23 at 11:34:03
QUOTE(Ryu @ Aug 23 2006, 12:36 AM)
lol omg 7 bots and 2 members!!! ahhh the clan is growing!  tongue.gif
still, that counts as a small clan

You, my friend, are an as.shole =)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sniper on 2006-08-23 at 14:56:25
Well this clan doesn't have much to offer besides a big tag in front of your name. People join clans for entertainment and if Mp) isn't very entertaining, nobody will join and nobody will stay. I can see you guys started points but what are you gonna do with them?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-08-23 at 17:33:13
QUOTE(Sniper @ Aug 23 2006, 11:56 AM)
Well this clan doesn't have much to offer besides a big tag in front of your name. People join clans for entertainment and if Mp) isn't very entertaining, nobody will join and nobody will stay. I can see you guys started points but what are you gonna do with them?

You need some tournaments for games or some fun stuff instead of just a horrible map competition (no offense lyon) and just map making for rank ups and points. Thats just absolutely boring and absurd. Mini, you need to be more active and show these members a good time and same goes for you jmoney (not being mean, just giving advice).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-08-23 at 19:44:13
QUOTE(Mp)Marine @ Aug 23 2006, 04:32 PM)
You need some tournaments for games or some fun stuff instead of just a horrible map competition (no offense lyon) and just map making for rank ups and points. Thats just absolutely boring and absurd. Mini, you need to be more active and show these members a good time and same goes for you jmoney (not being mean, just giving advice).

its not possible for us to be active that much now

1. we both have girlfriends and we love them so much
2. i have a job but i dont know what jmoney is doin
3. jmoney plays alot of sports
4. were pretty much acting like store owners.... and yall are all managers... so its yalls turn to make descesions and participate and work together.

the point is! we can give you so much things but the leader activity....... we might come back around holidays and summer.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ryu on 2006-08-24 at 09:26:20
mabye get new leaders then?, if there is any able members for the position? confused.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-24 at 10:50:22
1. we both have girlfriends and we love them so much
2. i have a job but i dont know what jmoney is doin
3. jmoney plays alot of sports
4. were pretty much acting like store owners.... and yall are all managers... so its yalls turn to make descesions and participate and work together.

the point is! we can give you so much things but the leader activity....... we might come back around holidays and summer.

QUOTE(Ryu @ Aug 24 2006, 05:25 AM)
mabye get new leaders then?, if there is any able members for the position?  confused.gif

i also agree if you and jmoney can't provide the constant help that the clan needs you should optionally choose to step down from leadership. I know that may be hard for you because you like being the leader but your just not providing what the clan needs. It is time for new leadership i think and only because of the list you provided.

I see this going in one of three ways;

1. You designate a new leader to reign over the clan.
2. Members vote on a new leader.
3. The clan keeps going where its going now and ends up dead.

it's time to choose minigameeast and jmoney -- whats best for Mp ?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-08-24 at 15:57:28
1: have jmoney and minigameeast not be leaders, but still have power over everything, like a "Store Owner" like mini said, haha.
2: Designate new leaders as shocko said
3: Have members vote on them
4: When new leaders have risen to power, we ban shocko from teh forums AND channel!!!1111

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-24 at 16:33:39
i vote we keep shocko!!! shocko is ur love puppet!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jo_Dada on 2006-08-25 at 20:52:44
I vote that we get my account Mp)Dada unsuspended and then see what happens from there yawn.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DaMiNaToR on 2006-08-25 at 21:29:02
QUOTE(Shocko @ Aug 24 2006, 03:33 PM)
i vote we keep shocko!!! shocko is ur love puppet!!


I'd run for leader if I wasn't going to boarding school in a week... ermm.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-25 at 23:20:19
i vote no fux shocko!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by UN-Rommel on 2006-08-25 at 23:49:02
QUOTE(Shocko @ Aug 25 2006, 08:19 PM)
i vote no fux shocko!!!

Since my vote counts 99.9% of this tally, i say we don't fux shocko smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-25 at 23:58:41
QUOTE(Mp)Marine @ Aug 25 2006, 07:48 PM)
Since my vote counts 99.9% of this tally, i say we don't fux shocko  smile.gif

i vote marine as new leader happy.gif. but i seriously do think he would be a good leader. He gets along well with almost everybody i know ( surprisingly enough even gets along with Lyon :l and myself even when we female dog smile.gif ) He was one of the first members of Mp i ever knew. And hes got the pilbury doughboy... what more could you ask??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-08-26 at 13:48:39
QUOTE(Mp)Marine @ Aug 25 2006, 11:48 PM)
Since my vote counts 99.9% of this tally, i say we don't fux shocko  smile.gif

Mp will become Nazi if we have a german leader!!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jo_Dada on 2006-08-26 at 18:08:17
Lyon thats just downright mean! blink.gif

As for activness.... I am trying to get people to join on west... but most of them dont want to change their names and do not own a bot or have an extra cd-key.

I am trying all that i can to get people on west as much as possable. helpsmilie.gif

But sadly i have very high lat and it is close to impossable to get people to join a map named Map Making Recruitment.... I did get Mp)Pure (who quit btw) to make a map that has a picture of Uncle Same Pointing and say We Want You To Be In Clan Mp.

I might have a couple suggestions to get some activness.... Like playing some Meele, Bound, or Competition tournys for West side... but i've already said it before i have high lat... crazy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-26 at 18:18:44
awwww i loved pure sad.gif man why'd he leave??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Jo_Dada on 2006-08-26 at 18:21:37
I guess the same reason why everyone else leaves Mp).

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-08-26 at 18:46:19
QUOTE(Shocko @ Aug 26 2006, 06:18 PM)
awwww i loved pure sad.gif man why'd he leave??

Because SC is exploding, ppl are moving to WoW or Wc3
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dada on 2006-08-26 at 18:56:48
No he joined Clan xcom on west!

Oh and BTW i got my account back! biggrin.gif

drunk.gif kicking.gif clapping.gif thumbup.gif uberwoot.gif yahoo.gif
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