I didn't expect that it would be something which could be fixed, and I really didn't expect it to be fixed within an hour. Thanks a lot Legacy, you have my enternal gratitudes!
While all the strings are indeed all messed up, I was able to open it normally and play it as well - as far as I can see it is working perfectly.
The string thing does bother me though, it's kind of strange that all the strings (everything; unit names, switches, map title, etc) have been cut in pieces and thrown around. Pretty much every string I've seen is cut in smaller sections, while none of the strings have been mixed or put together. There also must have been deleted a huge lot of strings since there are only 218 left, and I'm pretty sure I was hitting 700.
The map is quite focused on using displayed text and I had some texts which were basically just a bunch of random numbers and signs. I found some of those back and I recognized them immidiatly (they weren't that random after all
) but there were also a lot of other parts which had a lot of strange symbols which I've never used before.
Now I've been messing around with strange symbols and the effects of them on Starcraft text before, and some of these symbols have 'special powers', like the ones used to add colours. Now some of are really neat; turns part of a string invisable, don't show up in-game but not in the editor, only show in the editor but not in-game, align text at specific place of the screen, etc.
Couple of questions:
- I was wondering if there has been done any more research to symbols like that except for the ones already in the editors and the ones which align.
- Also, do you know
why my map got 'corrupted' (or what actually did happen to it in the first place?) and how can I prevent it from happening again?
- I've tried to find a "section importer/exporter" which you were talking about but I didn't find anything nor do I have the slightest idea what you are talking about. Could you explain what it is, how it works, where I can get it and why I would actually want to use it if it doesn't fix the strings but only is to "save the rest of the map"?
Hm I think I'm talking to much rubbish now
. Anyway, thanks a lot for your help!
The symbols are most likely the just strings that are showing parts of the chk. If you would like more information look up the chk format:
In my opinion, StarForge should be avoided. But then again another dangerous combination is SCMDraft2 with SCXE. So it's best to stick with one editor unless you know the full effects and make sure to make backups besides the ones your editor makes (SCMDraft2 has a very nice backup editor that I trust).
Section importer/exporter is something like the IEP files of uBe2 or the section files of SCMIE:
They can be used to import units or terrain (parts of the old map) onto a new map so you can work on remaking (reorganizing) all the strings.