Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Suggestion: 'Premium Maps' Section
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daedalus on 2006-08-22 at 11:32:57
I'm one of those types who likes to create things, digital things (or at least think about creating them, usually I'm to lazy tongue.gif). That's why I also visit a lot of forums about creating/writing different type of things. One of those forums happens to be this one, and this forum misses something. Something which I think would be a great addition to this site.

What I'm talking about is a special section for 'Premium Maps'. Maps (or mods) which are so unique, cool, neat, sexy and just plain uber that they deserve a special place on this site. Actually you want two sections, one in the Download DB and one new sub-forum. The showcase topic of the Premium Map will be moved to the Premium Map sub-forum (of course you can also write a new showcase topic for it).
A map can be promoted to Premium Map status by a group of judges who are expert mapmakers themselfs.

Why would you want a Premium Map system? For a couple of reasons.
- With this system you will support good mapmakers and award and recognize them for their great work (not that that isn't done atm, with this sytem it will be public and official). On a side note, this will also prevent map-stealing, as more people will know who the real maker is.
- Mapmakers will be motivated to put more time, energy and thought into their maps; the general map quality might improve because of such a system.
- It will be a lot easier to find good maps and people will know which map to take as an example of how a good map should/can be.
- Bring old - but good - maps back to the world of the living. A lot of people only search for/play new good maps while they forget that certain (very) old maps are also fantastic. This will, logically, also work vica versa (promote new maps).
- When you give those who have made a Premium Map the 'Premium Map Maker' status, or something like that, people will know when they are reading a post/topic from someone who knows what he is talking about.

Except for those people who will not agree with the judges I can't really thing of any negative things of this system. Staredit Networks has more then enough people who would qualify as good, expert and neutral judges.

Would do you think?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2006-08-22 at 11:35:15
Or we could always have a vote occur to attempt to get a map to this "Premium Map" status, though I think it would be better named as " Showcase Maps." It would only be for completed maps, and each thread would include a link to the DLDB for that map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daedalus on 2006-08-22 at 11:42:22
My opinion is that this system will only really work with a couple of expert judges and not with a public vote. When you use a public vote to promote a map to Premium Map status you will have a lot more chance that the only thing which matters is how much zombies you can shoot - to put it very negative.
With a group of expert judges you can be completely sure that the Premium Maps really earn that title. Otherwise people could get all their friends to vote, or something like that. An expert group of judges will look to all aspects of the map, not only the things the general public likes.

(NB: I have nothing against the 'general public', I just know out of experience that public votes are not a good way to do this.)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-08-22 at 11:57:31
No, not while moose is in command. (no offence really)

It's just with current elitism situation. The "good" or "list" people maps will have quite larger chance to get there. The map author will matter more than the map itself, and that will cause lots of flamings and stuff...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-08-22 at 12:31:02
I like this idea... maybe if your map was selected as Premium, you could use a special label as your Map Making Type (like the old Über status).

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-08-22 at 12:45:37
i definitely like this idea. i totally agree no public vote. there are just way too many noobs out there for such a vote to ever to be valid.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2006-08-22 at 12:58:39
Too much elitism.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Daedalus on 2006-08-22 at 13:46:06
Legacy and DEAD, do you mean that the current elitism you are talking about will affect the carefully chosen group of judges? I'm certainly aware of some elitism, it is almost inevitable in this branch, but is it so strong that pretty much everyone is doomed or at least considerably affected?
You both have been a lot longer in this community then I've been, but I doubt if elitism would truly have a big impact on the opinions of the judges.

But if that is indeed the case then it should indeed not be done. When you want to hide the author's name from the judges it will become more like a contest, which this certainly is not.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-08-22 at 13:49:48
Moose would choose the judges of course...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2006-08-22 at 14:28:27
No, I'm saying it will promote elitism.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-08-22 at 14:43:51
Actualyl I think it's a good idea. (The judge idea) because I once tryed to find a good RPG in the DLDB... it took me forever to find ONE worthy RPG.

I see no harm in pointing out very good maps in general.

DEAD, Legacy, waht kind of elitism are you talking about ? (OK, I may be here a while not to be a n00b, but I learn something new every day tongue.gif )
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-08-22 at 15:14:03
Elitism like making "good" people staff even if they doesn't do the job or does it bad or even worse abuse it. Like I said, the author would matter more than the map. I don't want to start calling names though.

I like the idea, but not with this situation. The so called public voting would probably be the most fair way.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-08-22 at 15:30:03
QUOTE(DEAD @ Aug 22 2006, 10:13 PM)
Elitism like making "good" people staff even if they doesn't do the job or does it bad or even worse abuse it. Like I said, the author would matter more than the map. I don't want to start calling names though.

I totally trust IP's and Bolt_Head's judgement.
QUOTE(DEAD @ Aug 22 2006, 10:13 PM)
I like the idea, but not with this situation. The so called public voting would probably be the most fair way.

LUK DIS MAP HAZ SOUNDZ IN IT IT IS KOOL OMG OMG OMG *Plays a buggy crappy map that has sounds*


Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-08-22 at 15:57:53
I trust IP and bolt as well. But, why do you think it's bolt whos gona lead this stuff? blink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-08-22 at 15:59:58
Just pointing out that there are people that can be trusted to lead this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2006-08-22 at 16:23:36
Elitism is basically saying one group of people is better than everyone else. By saying certain maps made by certain people are special and deserve to be placed at a better location creates elitism.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KABOOM on 2006-08-22 at 16:39:08
well i really like this idea, for the judges they have to be extremly neutral and wont matter about the author is has to be about the map. Because a good map maker can make some decent thing and get up easyly if he has a good record so thats not good. only maps that are "hits" or just extremely proffesionally made would deserve this spot
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-22 at 17:04:30
i personally feel that as a forum devoted to map making, we have way too many noobs. I think a good idea would be a "mapping status". If your a map maker you have to produce maps frequently. If your a retird map maker you apply for it if they say you don't deserve it leave the forum. Because see wayyyyyy too many noobs on here that just cant make maps to save their lives and they are just additional spam.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-08-22 at 17:21:43
The map spotlight is enough...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-08-22 at 18:06:03
Yeah, I'm too elitist and I'm too biased and I abuse power and I have my special group of people who get together on Thursday nights in black robes and play poker with that I give all the power to (even though they're probably piss drunk all the time so there's no way they could ever do a good job because my hiring sucks because apparently there's something wrong with hiring people that I trust), so this wouldn't work.

A good map is a good map, my friend. Am I close friends with qPirateKing? No, but I'd damn well label Legacy of Haean a "premium map". Am I good friends with Softwarewolf? No, but I'd make Binary Defense a "premium map".

QUOTE(DEAD @ Aug 22 2006, 03:13 PM)
Elitism like making "good" people staff even if they doesn't do the job or does it bad or even worse abuse it. I don't want to start calling names though.

I'd love for you to start excluding DLDB Keepers - one major problem of the v4 DLDB is that there is no way to track activity there. (I'd prefer a seperate topic or a PM there, though).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Gigins on 2006-08-22 at 18:12:11
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 23 2006, 01:05 AM)
Yeah, I'm too elitist and I'm too biased and I abuse power and I have my special group of people who get together on Thursday nights in black robes and play poker with that I give all the power to (even though they're probably piss drunk all the time so there's no way they could ever do a good job because my hiring sucks because apparently there's something wrong with hiring people that I trust), so this wouldn't work.

Well maybe a bit less extreme. tongue.gif

But yea, it pretty much sums it all up.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2006-08-22 at 18:39:21
have my special group of people who get together on Thursday nights in black robes and play poker with that I give all the power to

I'm going to win one of these nights smile.gif

Really, it's an excellent idea for highlighting the few of many maps that we have that actually have any quality at all, but I'm afraid it would drown in thousands of mostly unbased screams from whining members who didn't get labeled "Premium". If there was a way to shut people up who whine, perhaps.

I'm in support of this by principle, but don't think it would work out practically.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Voyager7456(MM) on 2006-08-22 at 19:00:09
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Aug 22 2006, 06:05 PM)
I'd love for you to start excluding DLDB Keepers - one major problem of the v4 DLDB is that there is no way to track activity there. (I'd prefer a seperate topic or a PM there, though).

I'm working on it! sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shocko on 2006-08-22 at 19:41:31
i think we deffinately need premium maps or something.

Add a rule for "no begging for premium".

Then make it harder to get into the DLDB and then you can just have people vote on new releases.

(it would mean less maps in the DLDB in general but itd mean we can get much better quality maps in there and not noobish ones cramping up the space)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2006-08-22 at 19:44:54
It seems like a good idea that way when I'm bored I can download some good maps smile.gif
Make the judges states some reasons why it was chosen because for sure many will go "Clearly, my maps was way better than that in X ways"

Or just do the no begging and complaining rule.
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