The title says it all. Maybe it sounds hard or impossible but I bet that we can brainstorm something nice out of this. So what I need is a Virtual HP system that can detect target as well as shooter, it must support my DC based ammo system and must be 6 players compatible.
My first thought was Dark Swarm firing of course. But I I'm stuck at it because I can't seem to think out a way how to detect the shooter as DS is owned by p12. The only way I have found till now is using EUD energy detect. But I really don't want to use EUDs so I'll leave that as the very last option.
Then I could use common VHP systems like burrowed units. But how to make other players see the VHP without sharing vision? I can't make it out.
Can't use the 2 computers either.
Share your knowledge, trow me some ideas, help me.
Use the same method of kills to cash to detect who killed what. If it's a player's VHP unit then you know the who did what.
You shouldn't need a gunner system for that.
Yes, that is what I wanted to do with second system, but what unit could i use for VHP?
Observers, zerglings, spider mines. Those are a few. I'd recommend neutral (P12) hero zerglings.
Been a while since I've done any proper VHP implements, now that I think of it.
People can see P12 burrowed units.
They can? Is that a recent patch thing or what? I know I've used P12 burrowed units before.
Excelent, just what I needed. How could I miss the p12 thing?
Thanks guys.
Don't lock this though, maybe someone will come up with something interesting.
Damn, I knew this was too easy. No LW, you can't see them. I just tested.
Oh hold on, I'm on the wrong track. You want them to attack the VHP units themselves.
Well the drawback with that is you can't control which you attack. You have to rely on the unit's ai to target an unallied one automatically.
I was just thinking you wanted units owned by the players to each have VHP counters, and use their own selves dying to deduct HP. That could be one way to do it.
You can see p12 burrowed units if they once belonged to a player, and that player quit.
ie. If p1 had a burrowed zergling, and p1 quit, the burrowed zergling would belong to p12, and you could still see it. I think that is the only way to see p12 without a detector...
QUOTE(Lethal_Illusion @ Aug 22 2006, 03:41 PM)
You can see p12 burrowed units if they once belonged to a player, and that player quit.
ie. If p1 had a burrowed zergling, and p1 quit, the burrowed zergling would belong to p12, and you could still see it. I think that is the only way to see p12 without a detector...
Not gonna be much fun booting a player from the game to get it, though.
Location following the players unit and an observer following it? If you use that, you'll need hyper triggers, of course.
Obs, would kill the meaning of terrain levels in my map and melee units can't attack it.
I just found out that you CAN see burrowed units that you own even with vision to yourself turned off. I'm not sure if that's gonna help you much either, though.
Here's an idea just way out there, but what if you used hallucinations?
You could have a different hallucinated unit for each enemy in the field of play, and to detect if it died or not, you just center a location on it. If it centers, it didn't die, but if the location just stayed there, then it died, and you replace it. I think you can even use the extra player units, such as player 9.
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Aug 22 2006, 11:51 PM)
I just found out that you CAN see burrowed units that you own even with vision to yourself turned off. I'm not sure if that's gonna help you much either, though.
I'll play around with it.
QUOTE(Lethal_Illusion @ Aug 22 2006, 11:53 PM)
Here's an idea just way out there, but what if you used hallucinations?
You could have a different hallucinated unit for each enemy in the field of play, and to detect if it died or not, you just center a location on it. If it centers, it didn't die, but if the location just stayed there, then it died, and you replace it. I think you can even use the extra player units, such as player 9.
Please explain more. Because now it doesn't sould like what I need.
QUOTE(Lethal_Illusion @ Aug 22 2006, 03:53 PM)
Here's an idea just way out there, but what if you used hallucinations?
You could have a different hallucinated unit for each enemy in the field of play, and to detect if it died or not, you just center a location on it. If it centers, it didn't die, but if the location just stayed there, then it died, and you replace it. I think you can even use the extra player units, such as player 9.
Hmm. Not sure that fixes the problem we're tackling here though. I think it's about trying to get vision for the vhp unit without the player being able to simply unburrow it or something. Unless burrowed halluc units can be seen by players... ?
Otherwise though, the P12 method has that one drawback, but otherwise might work. I can't really come up with any other ways that might work at the moment, though.
EDIT- Except of course killing the unit itself and respawning it as long as it has vhp.
I cant see anything with my vision turned off.
No, it's not about unburrowing, it's about seeing the enemy's VHP unit without sharing vision with enemy.
QUOTE(DEAD @ Aug 22 2006, 03:59 PM)
I'll play around with it.
Please explain more. Because now it doesn't sould like what I need.
Well, you can see hallucinated burrowed units, so, you may be able to use
those as your targets. You wouldn't need to be visioned with them because they're hallucinated. You can't use hallucinations in conditions, but you can center locations on them. So if you centered a location on the halluncinated burrowed unit at anywhere, and it was still living, then it would center on the burrowed unit. If the burrowed unit died, it would try to center on the unit, but the location would go to the middle of the map, because it wasn't there. Does that make any sense?
You can see them even when burrowed? I thought the same vision rules applied for burrowed units as normal ones.
Ugh, another thing I'll need to go and test.
QUOTE(Lethal_Illusion @ Aug 23 2006, 12:06 AM)
Well, you can see hallucinated burrowed units, so, you may be able to use those as your targets. You wouldn't need to be visioned with them because they're hallucinated. You can't use hallucinations in conditions, but you can center locations on them. So if you centered a location on the halluncinated burrowed unit at anywhere, and it was still living, then it would center on the burrowed unit. If the burrowed unit died, it would try to center on the unit, but the location would go to the middle of the map, because it wasn't there. Does that make any sense?
Yes it does now. Sounds like a plan. Can you make hallucinations that doesn't die with time? Because if the hals would burn out so would the VHP.
You can just replace them. Just anticipate how long they last.
Still checking if the vision part works though...
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Aug 23 2006, 12:12 AM)
You can just replace them. Just anticipate how long they last.
Still checking if the vision part works though...
It does, just tested. Guess, I test faster that you.
Yea, but still how do I detect the shooter with this?
Well sure enough. I like to do thorough tests though, so I can find if there's any exceptions.
If it does indeed work then that might solve your problem. You'll still need to get alliances worked out, as putting burrowed halluc units under each player unit will require that they player themselves not fire at it. And remember you can't simply turn off vision to the player themself and use a burrowed halluc that they own.
EDIT- Actually, P12 units hold the alliances of their old owner. You could do that just fine.
Do you get a kill score by killing a hallucination? I've never tested that before.
QUOTE(Lethal_Illusion @ Aug 22 2006, 04:21 PM)
Do you get a kill score by killing a hallucination? I've never tested that before.
No. Just as you can't detect them with triggers. Formally, at least.