QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Aug 24 2006, 10:47 AM)
Come to think of it, every big thing that's going to happen from now on, such as 9/11, there's always bound to be people who will try to come up with conspiracy theories.
Some people still believe the halocaust never happened, so who knows.
I saw videos like this (especially ones specifically about the Pentagon) and I became more and more indifferent when I saw them. The first one I saw got me thinking, and I figured a missile (or at least a small jet, as was suggested by the first film I saw) wasn't that bad of a theory. But the more and more I saw them, the less I gave a damn. And now I feel like we're just wasting our time trying to figure out what happened 5 years ago when this could easily become another "JFK" consiracy theory that lasts 40+ years.
Well at least we know the planes hit the twin towers. And they had "terrorists" on them, whatever that means.