I don't believe Safari is built on top of any Mozilla compontents and this is probably just a bug with IPB.
It doesn't really matter at all, though a Safari icon would look cool
Actually Safari and Mozilla have basically the same exact features (except Safari is faster for me) so I think they are pretty much the same - just likeFireFox is Mozilla. I think a separate icon, despite how useless it may be, would be good.
Or we could get rid of that stupid mod because it does nothing but take up space?
Just as good of a suggestion. Come to think of it, does any one really look at the symbols anyway? Most of the time I check the names alone, never caring what browser each user is using. Good point, Syphon. Thanks for bringing me to the light.
I actually like it. Sure, it probably isn't very useful or productive... but does it hurt anybody? :\
Yes. It hurts SeN's bandwith.
Hardly... It's just a call and a check...
I ment displaying the little images
little images.
They may be little. But there are many. Especially for people who lack a cache.
Then they should enable one...
And even if they don't, it's hardly worth getting angry about. It's effects are too small to even matter..
It wont really be a bandwidth or server hit. It would be just the same as having all those excess smilies to the left....
Safari registers as Mozilla because the version of IPB that we use (or at least the mod) was made before Safari came into widespread use. Since Safari gives out the user-agent string: Mozilla/3.1 (compatible;Safari x.x.x) or something