My map has alot killing (what map doesen't?) and i got a problem... All other kill triggers work fine but when i kill a machineshop nothing happens. I use simple exatcly 255 kills score subtract score add money trigger + hypers. Like when i kill a reaver it does the stuff what i want but machine shop does nothing.
ADD: the machine shops are preplaced.(if that effects anything)
Did you place them for the right player, or did you open with a different editor and they changed to player 12?
oh sry

i test with different amount of score
EDIT: i double checked the trigger it has 225 score. i writed wrong number in first post. So it's still unworking.
i think you need to set your score type to kills and razings?kills applies to units, and razings for buildings?correct me if i'm wrong...
not about kills, ALL ABOUT SCORE!
Yea, buildings use Razings instead of kills. Silly.


just didn't know that
EDIT: yea i tested and it works thanks again