QUOTE(Mini_Goose_2707 @ Aug 26 2006, 06:15 AM)
I understand what your talking about but the main debate is the preformance of starcraft 2. Like will they convert it from 2-d½ to 3-d like what they did to warcraft.
When I said I wanted it almost exactly the same, I meant I
didn't want them to change the graphics.
I see now, you were saying they might change the graphics. I think naturally they would convert it to 3-d, but 3-d would ruin it, unless they did a
really good job. The joy of Starcraft as is is that I can play it on my crappy P2 with lightning speed. I can also use editors that I don't trust I my big flashy comp, like SCMDraft.
QUOTE(Daedalus @ Aug 26 2006, 01:57 AM)
Just wait until I upload my tutorial about Arithmetic, Relational and Equality, Logical and Conditional Operators
Hmm, I'm kind of addicted to the limits of Starcaft Editing. That's why I don't fancy the War3 kind of triggering, and why War3 map makers don't like Starcraft map making
When I said variables systems, I meant triggers like:
"Convert % health/mana/shields of "Terran Marine" owned by "current player" at "location1" to variable "x""
"Convert Variable "x" to health of "Zerg Zergling" at "location2" owned by "current player""