I've been glancing at this over the last couple of weeks, and now it is decided by the International Astronomical Union that Pluto is a "dwarf planet" and that now the planet technically has only 8 planets.
Call me unscientific, but my whole life I've grown up with the idea that there are 9 planets and I considered Pluto one of my favorites because it was sort of the planetary equivilant of "The Little Engine that Could". I sort of wish that they could've kept the definition as it was to allow Pluto to stay. But if such allocations had been allowed, they'd have to include 3 other Solar System objects as planets under those rules.
So it's either 8 planets or 12. What do you think about all this?
Here's the wikipedia article on the whole thing.[right][snapback]550327[/snapback][/right]
Correct me if I'm wrong, but dwarf planet contains the word planet, does it not? This means we still have Pluto as a planet. It's jsut a different KIND of planet. We now have dwarf planets, and non-dwarf planets. For the sake of being lazy people simply refer to non-dwarf planets as 'planets'. For the sake of me being lazier than scientists I will also refer to dwarf planets as 'planets' if you here me talking about a planet you can either assume I mean Pluto-Charon, Ceres or Xena and/or Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Urnaus or Neptune.
If you're as lazy as me, problem solved.