Great, so I have this nice plan for a map where the AI doesn't attack you untill you get around the corner, otherwise you'll kill them easily over the wall. So I decide to make them cloaked using the unit property, then take them to 0 energy when you reach a location.
So, I start up the game to test it, but as soon as they cloak, they decloak again. WTF is the point of setting them to cloak, then? That's some nice AI coding you've got there, Blizzard.
So I go back, try a few things, nothing works. Check the trusty interwebs for help on the matter, but all I ever get is people wanting to cloak bunkers and the like. No good. So I get here, try and search for 'AI stay cloaked', but that invalidates your whole search. After dumbing down my keywords, browsing the horrible frames and reverse chronological order of unrelated topics due to a crappy search function, I find many of the same topics. Of one, I find a nice idea to swap players so they CAN'T uncloak. Sweet.
I try that on myself so there aren't any bugs, and it's true, I cannot uncloak this way. BUT THE AI CAN! IT CHEATS! >:(
Arg, the damn AI can "push" buttons that don't exist. Man that is stupid.
plz hlp i r nub :P
kurio, what trigs did u use?
Sorry, g2g, help u tommorow.
Well, I tried:
-None, with only checking off "Cloaked". Doesn't work.
-Cloaking a neutral player's ghosts and giving them to the enemy computer (who doesn't have cloaked researched) so that they can't uncloak, since "the button" "isn't there", but since they can cheat, they can uncloak regardless.
-Now I tried Patrolling them, which DOES work (at least better than anything else), but they go all over the damn place, so if there was another solution, it would be appreciated. Plus I'm worried that they might stop eventually and decloak.
Ill just PM you k? or PM me the trigs/ screenshot
Thats true, computer and even neutral players can use unreseached abilities. They can uncloak, unburrow, unsiege and alike. Cheaters.
Try giving it to real neutral player like p12.
Well, it's not like the triggers themselves are the problem, since they're very basic anyway. It's just that the concept doesn't work...
The code is like this:
Give all Ghosts owned by Player 7 to Player 8 at Anywhere.
Order all Ghosts owned by Player 8 at 'Cloak ya dastards' to Patrol to "Cloak ya dastards'
I'm probably just going about it the wrong way... How else can I get them to only attack once you get to a certain location? I don't want to have them be the neutral player's units, since I plan to Ally Vision them... I'd like to try hyper players, but which ones would work?
Hm, I should have thought of that... It's not like I need to give P12's units back after people leave, since that would make it too easy. I kinda didn't want to use P12, because of that property. Do P9-11 crash your game? They're referred to as "main players" but I've never used them.
QUOTE(KuroiNeko @ Aug 25 2006, 07:37 AM)
Great, so I have this nice plan for a map where the AI doesn't attack you untill you get around the corner, otherwise you'll kill them easily over the wall.
Eplain this with more details, that should help.
p9-11 doesn't crash. They just aren't neutral. p9-11 have really screwed AIs so besides neutral buildings, I wouldn't use them.
Well, I'm using square terrain, and to maximize the map's space, it's like a maze. I don't want the enemy's ghosts to shoot through the wall, so I wanted some way to stop that, as well as stop you from killing them the same way. So I cloaked them (got that to work now, it's like magic
) and uncloaked them when you step into the loc at the corner, or beginning of their hallway.
That problem is dealt with, but now I can't get the computer to swarm there. I put a Zergling there (that can take a few hits, so it's not like he doesn't have time) and even if I shoot him, the def won't unburrow (he even automatically burrows, too, which sucks) and won't swarm. Luckily there's no such AI script or order for swarm.
Edit: Ok, nevermind, I didn't turn off the "anti defiler energy" trigger I had so he wouldn't swarm too soon.
Just put a high evalated terrain between the wall. This way you cant see over the wall and can't shoot either.
Thank you for all your help, I used the P12 swap thing, which worked great. And I'd rather not "waste" space by having an elevated wall there, anyway.
Well I haven't seen anyone point this out but, you might also want to take into account whether or not the unit has enough energy to use the spell/ability, such as cloak.
And about the comp's not casting their spell check this reference list out, it describes the certain conditions required to increase the chance the unit will want to cast it: for example, I'll use one I know well. One marine attacking a computer queen won't make it ensnare, but a dozen will. Same sort of thing applies for the defiler.
Yes, I do like to think I check that, but I do end up missing that sometimes... I had set a trigger to keep all ghosts at 40 energy so that they can keep cloaked, but they cloak and uncloak right away if they're computer controlled and haven't been attacked (though if they were attacked, they stay cloaked until they run out of energy... kinda dumb).
I had also set a trigger to take away all of the defiler's energy, and I didn't switch it off when I wanted to, so I did that one.
Sometimes the obvious can be hard to spot. >_>
Have you considered using Hero Ghosts?
No, I didn't think to use hero ghosts, but that's not the issue, it's with the AI. Though heros do seem to be different... Such as Devouring Ones are only a hero in name, and never unburrow to attack unless you hit them first. Cowards.
In any case I think this thread is done, since all my questions have been answered...
Oh and yay 100 minerals. :/