Players: 2-6
TileSet: Arctic
Map Size: 64 x 64
-Reach The End of the Map and destroy your opponents Control Tower
Spawn Units:
-Zerglings, Hydralisks, Ultralisks, and Zealots
Buildable Units:
-Marines , Firebats, and Ghosts
-Every Unit is Upgradable even the 4 Beginning Units.
-Buying a Medic Destroys All your Opponents Units Giving you a Clear Path.
-Using The Tank Beacon, You enable the ability to spawn the 4 beginning units at 8 units per second for 7 seconds. This Applyies to Your Entire Team.
Ill give this map a try. Hope its better than the regular maps.
Looks kool. Sounds interesting. Ill give it a go to like Zell.Dincht did and tell ya my rating.
I liked it, add some more features like building sunkens and stuff.
What type of game would you say this is?
a massing game
I plan on adding Air Units + A Special Feature that lets you heal your control tower thus keeping the game going.