QUOTE(DooM77 @ Aug 27 2006, 01:32 AM)
Third question: If I perform copy-paste or cut-paste action, pasted terrain seems to be other type than normal terrain - it don't want to join with normal terrain. It is very frustrating because all pasted terrain is then useless ;/ . Is there any way to recieve normal status for pasted terrain?
Your problem is this: the copy/cut/paste mode takes whatever terrain layer is on the top and puts it into copy. There are usually 2 terrain layers on a map, isom and square. copy/cut/paste inserts it into the square layer. If you try to use isom. terrain where there's square terrain, it'll simply pretend that whatever isom. was there before will be there when you try to place. My suggestion to you is to do one of the following:
A: do a simple isom layout of where your terrain will go (don't worry about the inside areas) then when you place isom around it, it'll act normal.
B: "Trace" over your terrain, place it, then just use the isom brush over it to acheive exactly the same effect.
C: Ensure that your terrain "lines up" when moving terrain short distances, or in small amounts, go 2 over, then one up/down, repeat this.
For long distances and large amounts of terrain, I just prefer the guess-and-check method, it's alot faster.