Alright, my map keeps crashing as soon as the game starts. I see the breifing, and then it crashes. I have no buildings outside the map, no invalid units that would crash, nothing. What else could I have done that crashes the map?
Do you have any unit sprites disabled or anything of the kind. I remember crashing like that all the time when I was experimenting with those.
Attach the map btw.
Alright, I'll attach the map. Please note that none of the triggers are commented. And there are no sprites.
Is it possible that the placement of the start location is causing it to crash?
From what I saw, it was the stacked Science Facitilities. When I removed those, the map didn't crash on me.
Yep, the science facilities crash the game. I don't know why though.
Maybe there are some buildings that you can't stack over and over?
There are some buildings like that, like stacking hives. It will crash the game host. I dont know about facilities.
Addition: whats with thie weird post selection thing? was it just added?
Nah I've stacked those before.
Alright, thanks for the help. I guess I'll move the sci facilities.
EDIT: It crashed again. I placed all 8 facilities on nothing, so it's not them. Unless they crash when they are on null.
Did you try not stacking them? I don't think it matters where they are at, just that they are stacked.
Yes, that what I meant by placed them on nothing. There is no other building beneath them. Re-added map
Try the start locations too, see if that works.
I think the yellow one is stacked with the barracks. Try moving it a little.
It's neither the start location or the the sci facility.
QUOTE(PCFredZ @ Aug 27 2006, 07:41 PM)
Try the start locations too, see if that works.
Me and Fwop_ already tested it. It's the Sci facilities.
But if you look at that latest version, the sci facilities aren't stacked yet still the game crashes.
Maybe they can't be placed on null terrain... nope that's not it.
Found it, has nothing to do with the stack or where its at. Give the science facility more than 0 hp and it won't crash.
Well, even if there's a small overlap, it still counts as "stacked". If it worked when you took out the sci facils, then not when you put them back, something has to be up with them.
How the hell did that happen? I never edited their life.
I tested with the science facility stacked, it worked fine. Just having the building placed with 0 hp made the game crash.
Yah, I fixed it. we no longer need this topic, now it is truly solved.