I'm trying to loop a timer. It is supposed to start at 30, then 45, and then repeat.
Triggers are:
Trigger |
Description: |
part 1 |
Players: |
¤ all |
Conditions: |
¤ timer is exactly 1 second
¤ Switch 1 is cleared |
Actions: |
¤ Stuff
¤ Set timer to 45 seconds
¤ set switch 1 to set
¤ preserve |
Trigger |
Description: |
part 2 |
Players: |
¤ all |
Conditions: |
¤ timer is exactly 1 second
¤ switch 1 is set |
Actions: |
¤ stuff
¤ set timer to 30 seconds
¤ preserve |
Here's what happens:
30 second bit, 45 second bit, 30 second bit, then 45 seconds, and then it stops. What's wrong?