Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D. F. A. Presents his Pulitzer Prize winning epic ;[/sub][/sub]
Homoerotically cut and run liberal Godless killing machines & Americans.[/sup][/sup]
Story:[sub]- Watch the Colbert Report, you freedom hating hippie![/sub]Races:[sub]- Terran > Freedom Loving Americans
- Zerg > Anti-American Facist Forces
- Protoss > Snakes on a Plane[/sub]t3H Fux?:[sub]- Basically, this stemmed from a discussion in the spambox, as most things do. The Colbert Report featured some time ago a photo of a box for World of ColbertCraft and this lead me to a shifty, spambox fueled decision to create the rest of the series in StarCraft. I start with ColbertCraft, a parody of WarCraft, and thus similar to that, but with heroes and with more Colbert Themeing. It's StarCraft wikiality![/sub][/left]
F.L.A.s:[sub]- Eagle's Nest > Oil Platform, South Carolina Suburban Home, Clean Industry, Department of Defence.
- South Carolina Suburban Home > Cathedral.
- Clean Industry > Minivan Manufacturing Facility
- Department of Defence > Military Installation, Patriot Missile System.[/sub]A-A.F.F.s:[sub]- Coming soon.[/sub]S.o.a.P:[sub]- Simply a carrier that shoots hydralisks.[/sub][/left]
Screenshots:[sub][/sub]Demos:[sub]- Coming by Septmeber 10th .[/sub][/left]