I was trying to create a little pool/puddle... but this is the closest i could get... Could anyone help me?
Feel free to rate.... im sure theres better top tiles for it that are flater, just keep trying
Its just mirroring... *sigh*
Using that slit of water doesn't make a very good pool or puddle, you need to use like, a very small section of water instead of using those edge slits or whatever.
Im too lazy to place screenshots but, just take the ends of.. aww screw it.. here
1) Make Isom Terrain
2) Copy Left block 2x2 (if your using starforge, then just find tiles simmilar)
3) Paste it onto the right bock 2x2 (you can use anything besides 2x2, its just an example)
4) Check for mirroring problems, blockyness, mini-screw ups, etc...
Or just... Make a piece of isom water and use the dirt brush to make it smaller...
^ must be done in starforge.
Actually... You can do that using the regular campaign editor...
i have no idea why you would do that it looks like crap, maby if you added more around it