I been working on a map that has a Cooldown trigger in it. But once I downloaded the new patch, It seems like it doesn't work anymore. I been trying to find a way to see if it still works and if I can fix this, But I been having no luck lately. Can anyone help me fix my cooldown trigger?
If by cooldown, you mean using EUD conditions, then you need to find the new offsets, since they are scrambled everytime there's a patch. If it has nothing to do with EUD's, then you need to show us the triggers so we know what you're talking about. It would also help to know how exactly it "isn't working".
In the old patch, I have a trigger that detects the units cooldown. Once it detects it, I have a trigger that plays a sound everytime a unit shoots. But once the new patch came out. It won't play the sound at all, And it does involve EUD triggers. Any help?
QUOTE(MoonlighTurtle @ Sep 2 2006, 07:09 PM)
If by cooldown, you mean using EUD conditions, then you need to find the new offsets, since they are scrambled everytime there's a patch.
There is currently no program which supports 1.14 EUD Condition triggering.
If you want to see if it still works, use SCDowngrader to downgrade your Starcraft to the old patch and see if it works (this will check if the rest of the trigger works).