I can no longer host this game on Battle.net. Which really makes me unhappy - it's a great RPG to play with your friends, in my opinion. A few problems, but eh. I can't find it in the mapping archive here, and I can't open it up with Staredit to see what's keeping it from being host-able...
It's the one in which you jack into the Matrix and hunt down Probe "Control Minds", while fighting off Agents. Does anyone have a fix, a version of this that can be played on Battle.net currently, or a way to open it up so I can take a look at what's wrong myself?
Thank you, sincerely,
Kaoru Nagisa
Do you think you could tell us what is preventing you from hosting this map on battle.net, and what is preventing you from opening up the map in Staredit (is it protected?)
Latency is what I'm guessing.
No, I can't tell you what's preventing it. That's why I posted the topic in the first place. It's not latency, nobody who tries to join gets the latency message. They get "Unable to join selected game". Like I said, I suspect it's because of something in the map - overlapping text or something - but I can't be sure because, like I said, I can't open the map up, either. For all I know, it's something in the triggers that Battle.net no longer supports.
Nobody has this map? Nobody can help? I'm desperate, here...
EDIT: Also, I don't know if the map's protected or not. I can't tell how to tell the difference between a protected map and one unopenable for other reasons. If it is protected, a friend of mine has an old protection-cracker, but...even so, I'd be...rather reluctant to use that, it feels...sort of wrong to think about breaking open someone else's map, even for a good reason.
http://www.staredit.net/matrix.zipThat's all four versions of the map that I have (I liked the map
). I haven't playtested them or anything, but I'll just give them to you. Let me know when you've downloaded them so I can delete them.
They're downloaded. I hope at least 2.0 can be played. If not...well, I won't bother you folks further, and I appreciate the help, Moose. Great avatar, by the way! -Thumps up-