Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Trap-Bunker System!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Reichwehr on 2006-09-03 at 15:25:19
Ok, im in desprete need of help at the moment. Im trying to set it up where, when a bunker no longer has a trap on it, it dies. Like the bunker is called " Concrete Pillbox " its invincible and has a trap placed ontop of it called ' Machine Gun Nest '. How do you make it so when the machine gun nest ( Or trap ) is killed the bunker dies? This applies to a series of bunkers placed throughout the map. All I know so far is that a Moving Location is involved.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Laser_Dude on 2006-09-03 at 15:48:12
A moving location couldn't be used for this purpose, just have a location over each bunker:

Current Player Bring 0 "Machine gun nest" to "bunker1"

Kill all "bunker" for current player at "bunker1"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-03 at 16:11:17
A moving location couldn't be used for this purpose, just have a location over each bunker:

Yes it can. You can have 1 location centering on all the bunkers in a linear sequence to do the job (you can use mobile grids or burrowed units to detect them), though you don't have to do this since it requires tons of triggers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Navilin on 2006-09-03 at 17:41:40
Ok here this might work I dont know how many players are on your map but;

Using 3 Computers do a check system each time a trap is killed. (Triggers are in short hand and you'll have to figure out what I mean by them).

Current Player kills atleast 1 "Trap"
P7 Commands at least "1" Trap"

Set Switch "Trap Check"

Switch "Trap Check" is set

Center Location "X" on "Bunker" owned by "P7"
Give Bunker at "X" to "P8"
Disable switch "Trap Check"

"P8" Commands "1" "Bunker" at "X"
"P7" Commands "1" Trap at "X"

Give "1" "Bunker" at "X" to "P6"

Player 6 commands atleast "1" "Bunker"
Player 7 commands atleast "1" "Bunker"

Set Switch "Trap Check"

Player 6 commands atleast "1" "Bunker"
Player 7 commands atleast "0" "Bunker"

Give all "Bunkers" owned by "P6" to "P7"
Disable Switch "Trap Check"

Player "8" Brings "1" "Bunker" to "X"
Player "7" Brings "0" "Trap" to "X"

Destroy "1" "Bunker" at "X" owned by "P8"
Set Switch "Trap Check"

For this to work all three computers (6,7,8) would have to be enemies so the bunker would keep firings as the system did the check. Note this check system can be made into fewer triggers I just wanted to give you a simple why of doing it. Quotations are subject to the applicable info on your map.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-09-04 at 00:34:05
Umm Navilin, that system is completely useless and I doubt it wouldn't even work. Try something like this. If the bunkers are pre-placed, place a burrowed zerg unit underneathe each bunker. In this example, I'll use a zergling:

Computer 1 brings at least 1 zergling to location anywhere
Move location 'bunker' on zerg zergling owned by computer 1 at anywhere
give 1 zerg zergling owned by computer 1 to computer 2 at 'bunker'
preserve trigger

computer 2 brings at least 1 zerg zergling to location 'bunker'
computer 1 brings exactly 0 trap to location 'bunker'
remove all bunker at 'bunker'
remove 1 zergling for computer 2 at 'bunker'
preserve trigger

Computer 1 brings exactly 0 zergling to location anywhere
give all zergling owned by computer 2 to computer 1
preserve trigger

Don't forget to add hyper triggers to this.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Reichwehr on 2006-09-04 at 10:55:15
Thank you all for your help, and positive input. My problem has been solved.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-09-04 at 11:52:11
If you are using my system, go back to my other post because I added something that I left out. All it does is speed the system up a bit.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Navilin on 2006-09-05 at 21:46:18
First I'd like say that you need to think before you dismiss something as useless considering our systems are fundamentally the same. Yours uses lings mine uses the invincable bunkers as described by the map maker. Like I said mine can be made a lot simpler (I've been out of map making for a bit an Im just getting back into it).
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