I am currently making a map, which i have named 'Kingship Of Hœn'.
I am using bandlands.
This is in some way similar to The Rebuilding of Eora, but there are no geysers - you build your spawns where you want, and it the spawn works similar to 'Heros of Might and Magic', but instead of buildings you create the unit you want at the bottom of the map.
But, I want to have the air spawn forced to be costal.
In my ultimate wisdom i decided to make the Air Spawn have a location following it, which had the elevations ticked for all ground, but *only* low for air.
The idea was that if it only spawned over sea, if the costal spawn was placed anywhere else then the spawn would become unplacable. I devised a system in which there would always be enough space to spawn. I then became a genuis
But I didnt know whether low=sea. So, I made a test map. This had a location over some land , but a little corner of the location over some sea. Then I made it only ticked for 'low' and made a trigger to put a protoss shuttle on it.
Then i booted up SC to test it. I went onto b.net, hosted a game, and it was not on the game list.
I renamed it to 'test' with 6 spaces before it. Still didnt come up.
So, I posted this here.
I would like to know
A) If there is any other way to make it only spawn over sea, without locationing the whole sea or land.
B) If you can recreate this problem
I am using a mac, and StarEdit Emerald
Now i am remaking the test map in regular staredit.