I was trying to submit my KookyKraft Introductory Demo to the DLDB, and I got this error: "The file uploaded was 0 kB in size or smaller. Please choose a different file. If you get this error again, please notify the site administrator".
Naturally, I tried again. I ended up on a white screen. My mod is not in my files, so I have no idea whats going on.
The file is about 3.1 mb.
That happened to me when I tried editing an existing file which is about 2.5 meg. No one can download it. Moose says that the server's been acting weird lately.
Toa5555 (3:14:52 PM): Ice Realm RPG Will be making its way to the DLDB Soon
NinjaEggMan (3:15:07 PM): No it won't.
NinjaEggMan (3:15:17 PM): Not until this attachment bug is fixed.
Toa5555 (3:15:26 PM): WHAT!
NinjaEggMan (3:15:36 PM): There's a bug... no one can upload files.
There's a CHMOD problem that will have to be fixed by a server administrator. Until then, we can only wait.
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