for all you DS fans...Finally! I Knew it would Come!DS Web Browser
By: Nintendo, Opera DS Web Browser uses opera! Not bad, check it out! Images, News, and Previews!
RELEASE DATE: TBA (Japan: July 24, 2006)
boy i wish i lived in JP...UPDATE!: on the browser.
It will be possible to connect to SEN on the DS! Since SEN is only supported in English, if you get the JP version, it will display SEN in English!
Some notes...
Web page size: There will be to modes: DS Mode and SSR mode. i reccomend usng ssr mode, and it will resize the web page to fit the ds screens. DS mode will show the original size of the web page. Zooming is available too.
No Video Available. Regardless of the format. you will also not be able to view videos on places as YouTube, GoogleVideo, etc.
No Sound Available
Updating: None are planned at this time.
Google Searching: Since the search engine is regularly designed to be yahoo! JP, you can change it to google instead! that just going to the regular Google URL will not make it displayed in english. you would have to bookmark the URL i just provided.
Parental Controls: Lol, it will cost a monthly fee to provide a internet sucurity. rofl.
ONLINE CHAT!! Connect to AIM on your DS! Speed:
The Browser speed to go to another page you would like to view only takes about less than 10 seconds. But if there are many images on the page, it could take a minute or so. It is possible to turn images off in the settings.
No Pop-Ups! YAY! Since the browser can only supports one window at a time, there will be no annoying pop-ups!
It would be impossible, fortunately, to get viruses onto your ds. Yay!
Downloading Content:
It will not be able to download content with the browser because there will be no place to store the content. Sry
Also plugins, Java and flash will not be available on the browser (But javascript will).