Picture One
- Cut back on some of the sprites... the ruin bridges go with the dirt, so I don't know why you're using 30 bush sprites on the edges, and when the bridge terrain reaches the tomb opening or whatever, being similar colours, I'm sure you could blend the bridge terrain in the cliff...
1/10 - Un-natural and too many sprites.
Picture Two
-You can do the ramp easily with absolutely NO sprites what so ever. The temple ramp is a little blocky and to make the grass look better, you'd have to back up the temple platform...
1/10 - Didn't put much effort into the high grass and used sprites where they weren't necessary.
Picture Three
-Wow... WAAAY too many sprites, and most of them make the temple terrain look really ugly. You could also cut back on the sprites by actually adding water on the sides of the bridge and make it go around the temple arena thing to give the appearance of a moat or something...
0/10 - Poor sprite placement.