How do you make your units (slide) on ice like in warcraft 3? maze of sliding bunnies, polar escape? and how do you make it move while sliding? plz tell me as soon as possible. and how do you use arsenal 3? i made the mod
and it created it but nothing changes in the game y?
DEAD: can you please use just 1 question mark and 1 smilies instead of 10 in a row?
QUOTE(Lakai @ Sep 9 2006, 04:25 PM)
New record for most smilies used in a noobly way has been set!
QUOTE(Killer_Kow(MM) @ Sep 9 2006, 11:39 AM)
Use english, and this isn't WC3...
QUOTE(Lakai @ Sep 9 2006, 01:25 PM)
He wants units to slide on the ice terrain. You can't make units slide on terrain unless you use triggers and even then, it is very hard to do. Post this in the concept forums.
Actually, it sort of is possible to make a unit 'slide' through modding (just set the turn radius to a fairly low number) but it won't really be exactly like sliding, and it won't be restricted to the ice tileset...
It could be. Through further modding.
But this still doesn't belong to the terrain board.
QUOTE(Chronophobia @ Sep 9 2006, 07:14 PM)
But this still doesn't belong to the terrain board.
They're all right..
Check out the FAQs and make sure there's not already a topic like this. If there is, read the solution there. And use the spell check.
SC is way different than WC, and it's not easy to mod GRP graphics and hardcoded movements for the units in a mod for a beginner. I would suggest looking in the concepts forum (for this type of idea is original), looking for help elsewhere (sure, it has something to do with terrain, but it is not a terrain concept), and do what we all suggested.
Forget about doing it through modding. If it's even possible, the only way it could be done is through absurd amounts of ASM coding.
...although, I suppose if you did it with SCMLoader, you could load the flingy with the new turn radius only on Ice maps...
Bye spam topic.
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