Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Spawning Units
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dragoon-elf on 2006-09-10 at 06:36:54
Okay here is the problem I am having and it is a huge one. I made a Hero map earlier this week and I officially ended it. I kept coming onto bugs of all sorts and fixed all but 2 so far. A major bug is really effecting the gameplay though. Here is what is going on:

To let you know I have p8 as the enemy computer who has units spread on the map with a location on the area where the unit is. I have a piece of land on the bottom of the map that has several different types of enemies owned by p8. There is a countdown timer in the game of exactly 300 milleseconds (5 minutes). At the end of every 5 minutes...if p8 doesn't have an enemy unit at the any of the selected areas, I want it to spawn another random unit there...from the piece of land of course.

The problem...I have a trigger that says this:

Spawn Trigger
¤ Computer Player 8
¤ Countdown Timer reaches exactly 0 game seconds
¤ Player 8 brings exactly 0 men to spawn location (1-12)
¤ Move exactly 1 men from piece of land spawn area to spawn location (1-12)

Another problem that I am having is that I have a forge and a pylon owned by player 7...when a hero unit comes to the upgrade station...the forge is given to the hero. The problem is that the forge has no upgrade buttons...and yes I did enable upgrades to all people...can you help me out with this?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Staredit.Net Essence on 2006-09-10 at 06:50:39
For the upgrade buttons..make sure you did 'by default', and 'up to 255 upgrades max'. For the countdowntimer thing, you should do 'AtMost 1 Second' just in case, because the countdowntimer is messed up.

Send me the map, and I'll take a look at it.

CountdownTimer is AtMost 1 Seconds
Player 8 Brings 0 Men to Spawn
Create 1 unit at Spawn
Set CoutndownTimer to 3000(300 = 1/3 a second :/)
Preserve Trigger
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Jamal.oO on 2006-09-10 at 09:07:58
=\ You took the words right out of my mouth. Let me post it in easier form to read though smile.gif

Moving Randomly
¤ Player 8
¤ Countdown Timer Is At Most 1 Seconds.
¤ Move 1 Any Unit From "Unit Area" To "Where It Goes"
¤ Set CountDown Timer To #
¤ Preserve Trigger
¤ Comment: Spawning Randomly

The only thing about this, is that it won't be random. For you see, it takes the unit from all the way left to all the way right in order, or right to left, or up to down, although its usually left to right. But I hope that helps you happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-10 at 09:45:04
Upgrades, you just need to check player settings again. Also, countdown timers you set to seconds, not miliseconds, so 300 would be right.

What you are doing should work, just follow this example. Put all these triggers under player 8, in this order:

Countdown timer is exactly 0, current player brings exactly 0 any unit to (1-12); move 1 unit from land to (1-12), Preserve.

Countdown timer is exactly 0: Set countdown timer to 300 seconds, Preserve.

That should work; as long as the re-set timer trigger is below the move men trigger, they will both recognize the timer at exactly 0 at the same time.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dragoon-elf on 2006-09-10 at 15:56:56
Alright I found out why my upgrade thing wasn't working b/c I didn't have it on default...and I have done the spawn trigger over so I will have to look at that...Thanks for all the help!
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