I remember hearing of a possiblity of a Coming & Going Sub-Forum in the Welcome Forum. Have we completely ruled it out, because I think it might be kind of cool.
Not necessary. If you really want people to know that you're leaving, put it in your signature or just PM the important people.
Gotta love how ambiguously we use the word 'you' nowdays.
Do we really need a Cemetary forum to remind us of everyone who decides to leave?
Lol. No point. If your gonna join, join. If your leaving, and maybe your known for something/or alot of people know you, make a topic?
Or put it in your Sig like MA said/Custom Member Title
I'm against it. Most people who leave a forum just do it for attention. They stick around so they can see how many people will be sad over it, but then they just come back. The people that REALLY leave just sort of disappear. Let's not give the more immature members another way to get attention.
This would only lead to mass spam and mass emo-experiences.
I could make it a topic only no replies forum. I think it's meant more for vacations and extended weekends, and things of that nature.
Can't we just use our signatures and say "I'm away right now"?
A topic-only forum might not be so bad... prevents attention-whoring, because, after all, it's no fun unless you get replies...
But then it will probably be a very inactive forum.
Mini Moose it is always nice to know when your moderators are leaving. Thanks for supporting me.
QUOTE(Doodan @ Sep 11 2006, 05:30 PM)
I'm against it. Most people who leave a forum just do it for attention. They stick around so they can see how many people will be sad over it, but then they just come back. The people that REALLY leave just sort of disappear. Let's not give the more immature members another way to get attention.
Let's leave and 'cause a mass histeria.
Lets rejoin and a cause a massive rejoin effort!
I think its unnecessary. When Bolt left, he made a nice post about it and then parted ways with SEN. When Yoshi left, he made his post and parted ways (though he is now poking his head in from time to time).
Other than that I remember seeing tons of topics by people claiming to leave or announcing they'll be on vacation for a few weeks, and it just took up space. The responses were always the same as either "See ya when you get back" or "NO DNT Go!!"
And if you were to make a topic-only forum, not only would t be inactive, but no one would care to check who is leaving. I know I'd probably never click on the link for that forum because I'd figure I'd only see a bunch of topics by members who have been at SEN for only a few months use it to announce they are leaving/going on vacation to an enpty audience because no one cares. If some one like Yoshi or Bolt used it, then people should care. But that wont happen.
If people aren't on SeN, just assume there gone.
Problem soved.