I am making a bound, I have the explosions,fire,and worms set already.
But what I need is, When you finish the explosion, and move onto a second one, The explosion will stop there, and the other will start.
Please help =D
I think you mean some kind of switch system that turns levels on and off. It's easy, and we have tutorials for it.
Click me!Or simply, if you don't want to read all of that, heres what you do.
For your first bound obstacle, the condition will be "switch 1 is set."
and when you finish it you will do "clear switch 1, set switch 2."
so obstacle 2 conditions will be "switch 2 is set." for switch 1 to be set simply set it at beginning of the game.
What I do is I have the respawn trigger simply go: center location respawn on defiler owned by player 9, create unit. Then, I simply move the burrowed defiler from level to level, and bringing the defiler to the level area can show what level you're currently at.
Or switches, or death counters, or basically anything you feel like using. Very possible to use a variety of different methods to do this.
QUOTE(Urmom(U) Posted Today @ 05:04 PM)
Pfft, switches are so old school. Get with the new school and use death counters. They are easier to work with.
Pffft, I'll agree to that when dc's can do randomization without switches.
Old School? Old school is better.
Also, if you want it so if you have a very long explosion that you don't want that long explosion to finish all the way through but you just want the second to start immediately after completion of the first, you have to have a different trigger per explosion. That way, the conditions are checked every explosion instead of at the beginning of chain of explosions.
You most likely won't have to worry about that too much, though.