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Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> making a map melee settings
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-12 at 11:54:27
I'd like to make a map the same as a melee gametype map, but with some extra battle units in it, so that you start with more than 4 units. All settings should be the same as in a melee game, except a few extra units.

How do I do this? I have already made some forces and changed player settings. So I have to create a map with some triggers, what are the settings, what is the AI script and AI level used in melee gametype? What other triggers do I have to create?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-12 at 15:32:26
The "other triggers" you would have to create are the 3 that start there when you make a new map; victory, defeat, starting minerals. Basically, all you have to do is place the units for the computer, and do Run AI script "protoss campaign insane" or "protoss custom" at Anywhere, in the case of protoss. Note that in general protoss and terran scripts seem to play better than zerg from my experience, and that you must have the computer player be assigned the race of Protoss if you want it to run a protoss script properly. Of course, you could replace my example of protoss with any of the 3 races.

Note that these melee scripts are made for starting with very few units, so they will very likely not best utilize extra units if you give them to them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-13 at 04:03:57
So I do not have to make triggers, except the AI scripts?

What script is used in a melee game: protoss campaign insane or protoss custom?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-13 at 04:27:21
The computer always runs the Custom AI script in melee games, but I recommend using the Insane AI script.

QUOTE(UMS Melee Tips)
Some tricks you can do only in a UMS melee game is not limited to but include:
-randomizing the computer race
-recreating starting positions via triggers
-randomizing computer AI scripts
-preventing cheats, hacks, and backstabbing
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-13 at 10:12:54
I would like to compete against the computer which has one force, consisting of a few different players: melee. Would I better run the AI-script as one computer force, or of all the players seperately?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-13 at 16:39:27
Each player can only run 1 script for 1 race, if you want them to act like melee.

Programs such as scmdraft and starforge (I don't think) make the 3 melee triggers that xtra or regular staredit makes when you make a new map. So if you use those programs you will have to make the melee triggers; just look at any blizzard melee map to see them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-13 at 16:52:15
Ok, I have now set the run AI script at location, of the computer forces to campaign insane, would I better add some run AI scripts as well, such as Send all Units on Strategic Suicide Missions ?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-13 at 17:38:49
I'd recommend against that, but if you playtest and find the need, sure, go ahead.

The other possibilty besides suicide missions, if you do actually find them necessary, would be to use the Order command. If you use this, you'll want to use order Patrol if you want them to attack somewhere. Order attack doesn't have the ordered men attack until they are attacked first. And of course this actually requires you to place locations, but that's not too complicated.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-13 at 19:17:09
Ok, I have now set the run AI script of the computer forces to campaign insane, would I better set them to: anywhere, or startlocation?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-14 at 11:33:26
If you set the AI location to anywhere, the computer will (attempt to) build at the center of the map, so create AI locations at the center of its base, usually near mineral patches.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-14 at 12:07:23
Ok, and how do I get the computer to make several bases, instead of only one? As in melee, the computer sometimes also has a few, gatheing resources anywhere else out of their base.

Also, how do you get a message when a computer player has been destroyed (same as in melee). I tried condition: all player commands at most 0 buildings. action: display text message.
this didn't work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Killer_Kow(MM) on 2006-09-14 at 12:44:43
They'll expand on their own if there are expansions available.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-14 at 14:36:26
So, no need to make other locations, other than the start location of the computer force?

Also, how do you get a message when a computer player has been destroyed (same as in melee). I tried condition: all player commands at most 0 buildings. action: display text message.
this didn't work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-14 at 16:45:23
Nope, no other locations.

For messages:

Force 1: If Player 4 (whatever player the computer is) commands exactly 0 buildings, display text message for current player.
Force 1: If Player 5... and copy and change for each computer player.

In the game they play the transmission wav and make the text yellow, if you want to stick with the theme.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Laser_Dude on 2006-09-14 at 19:05:09
Actually, the lose condition isn't right in your example.

Make the trigger owned by all players

current player commands at most 0 buildings
display text for current player[text]
end scenario in defeat for current player
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-14 at 19:36:01
The idea behind my is not to give defeat; the default melee trigger created with the map does that. It's to show a "player was defeated" message when someone ELSE dies.

So ya, use mine. Actually, you can do it for the human players and not just computers, for showing messages to say your allies died.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-15 at 01:35:25
I have made forces, start locations for the AI script, run AI script insane at startlocation, is there anything else I need to do so it's like a melee gametype?

Are there some more locations, triggers needed?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-15 at 02:25:21
Do you have the following:
-defeat and victory triggers?
-start with 50 minerals?
-defeat messages and transmission.wav?
-choosable races?
-mineral/gas/statistical balance and equal space?

Anything else is optional.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-15 at 03:39:12
-defeat and victory triggers?

Are these the standard triggers, that are already made: All players: current player command at most 0 buildings

I tried to change the color of display text messages, but it didn't work.

-mineral/gas/statistical balance and equal space?

What do you mean by this?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-15 at 04:38:21
-defeat and victory triggers?

Are these the standard triggers, that are already made: All players: current player command at most 0 buildings

Triggers: defeated when current player has 0 buildings, and victory when non-allied victory players command 0 buildings.

I tried to change the color of display text messages, but it didn't work.

Here is the in-game yellow color code:
03 -  - Yellow

-mineral/gas/statistical balance and equal space?

What do you mean by this?

I mean standard costs, unit stats, and even building space for all players.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-15 at 08:29:46
Ok, I could change the text color!

I did not change standard cost, but about building space, do you mean that computer players need to have locations assigned for them so that they will build there, or just whether they have enough room for buildings?

Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-15 at 18:14:32
The computer needs enough room to build a medium sized base or it will build a very crowded base/expand improperly.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by okeee on 2006-09-15 at 19:24:48
I have made an use map settings map and used run AI campaign insane on computer players. They have been set to a big startlocation, with minerals. But all they do is mine. But sometimes, on the same map, they do create a base, or sometimes, just some of the computerplayers creates a base. Why is this? Triggers set: standard triggers for victory, defeat, minerals. Also run AI campaign insane at startlocation on computer players. All computer players are in one force.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xmrxsiegecopx on 2006-09-15 at 20:49:59
Are the starting locations randomized? If so, the locations aren't (most likely) at the computers' base, causing them to attempt to build a base in the wrong area of the map.

All you have to do is center the location the AI script the computers are using onto their command center/hatchery/nexus.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-09-15 at 21:14:23
Usually when they just mine it is an instance when the computer player's race is not set to what the buildings are and what the AI script is saying to run. All 3 have to be the same.
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